Installing SQL 2008 R2 onto a new PC

  • We've got new developer machines. They're Windows 7 machines, 64-bit. My current machine started life as a Windows XP machine, then 2 years ago I migrated it to Windows 7, 32-bit. I've got SQL Server 2008 R2 Developer Edition, and SQL Server 2008 R2 Express, both installed on this machine; and that's what I want to do on the next machine. The question I'm wondering about is, what order do I install them? I want the SQL Express to have a default instance, because that's what we're working with for a new application we're writing. But I'd also like to have the 2008 R2 Developer Edition to have a default instance as well. Can I do that with SQL Server 2008 R2 Developer Edition and SQL Server 2008 R2 Express on the same machine? Will a regular version of SQL Server with a default instance "play nice" with a SQL Server Express default instance?

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • While you can install both (I've got SQL2012 Enterprise and SQL2008R2 Express on my work PC,) one of them will have to be a named instance.

    IE if you install SQL2008R2 Developer first, it's going to grab the "default" instance, and SQL Express will have to be a named instance (which would default to "{Computer name}\Express"

    If you install SQL2008Express, it will default to using a named instance, unless you explicitly change it during install.

    The only way I can think of to achieve what you're looking for (both installed as a default instance, not a named instance) would be for one of the two to be loaded into a virtual machine (such as loading up Virtual PC, and loading a second copy of Win7 there)

    You can check how your current system is loaded, one way is how you connect to each of your existing instances. My guess would be that the Developer edition is the "default instance," and the Express is a "named instance." In which case, load them up in any order, using the default options.


  • (10/22/2012)

    While you can install both (I've got SQL2012 Enterprise and SQL2008R2 Express on my work PC,) one of them will have to be a named instance.

    IE if you install SQL2008R2 Developer first, it's going to grab the "default" instance, and SQL Express will have to be a named instance (which would default to "{Computer name}\Express"

    If you install SQL2008Express, it will default to using a named instance, unless you explicitly change it during install.

    The only way I can think of to achieve what you're looking for (both installed as a default instance, not a named instance) would be for one of the two to be loaded into a virtual machine (such as loading up Virtual PC, and loading a second copy of Win7 there)

    You can check how your current system is loaded, one way is how you connect to each of your existing instances. My guess would be that the Developer edition is the "default instance," and the Express is a "named instance." In which case, load them up in any order, using the default options.


    I just took a look at my SQL Express installation on my current Windows 7 machine, and found that it is called "{Computer name}\SQLEXPRESS", so I guess it must be installed in a named instance. WOW, that surprises me, I thought it was the default instance. Now I'm really curious to know how this will effect things during deployment? So, if it is that way on my PC, then I must have installed SQL Server 2008 R2 Developer Edition, and then put on SQL Server 2008 R2 Express. (Its been long enough that I no longer remember.)

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • Rod at work (10/23/2012)Now I'm really curious to know how this will effect things during deployment?

    The only thing I can think of that might cause issues during deployment is that you have to be sure the SQL Browser service is running in order to be able to access a named instance, whereas this isn't necessary if all you have is the default instance.

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