SSIS-one source to 3 destination tables

  • I have one csv that needs to be distributed to 3 tables using SSIS. I am using the Multicast Transformation task to send data to the respected tables.

    My issue is that the 3 tables that have 2 identity fields in all three...UNIQUE_KEY(newid()) and UNIQUE_ID(is identity=yes) and need to keep the UNIQUE_ID the same in all tables during the insert. This is pretty pressing issue and I have exhausted my efforts...need the experts. I have been away from SSIS for while and now getting back into it! Any help is appreciated.

  • Is your SSIS package the only source for the tables?

    If yes, you can generate the IDs yourself in the package and insert them into the tables.

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  • Otherwise you could populate a master table and then copy that to the other two, enabling identity insert.

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