here i just want update the indexnumber of a question table after deleting some question from that table ?

  • here i am having table @question which is having foreign key questionbank datatype uniqueidentifier

    this is the table

    DECLARE @question table


    questionid int identity(1,1),

    questionbank uniqueidentifier,

    indexnumber int,

    question varchar(20),

    crdate datetime


    insert into @question

    select 'B7152F93-45CE-4485-9672-7E0E5F62F775',1,'q1',GETDATE() union all

    select 'B7152F93-45CE-4485-9672-7E0E5F62F775',2,'q2',GETDATE() union all

    select 'B7152F93-45CE-4485-9672-7E0E5F62F775',3,'q3',GETDATE() union all

    select 'B7152F93-45CE-4485-9672-7E0E5F62F775',4,'q4',GETDATE() union all

    select 'B7152F93-45CE-4485-9672-7E0E5F62F775',5,'q5',GETDATE() union all

    select 'AB2B400C-CE03-4233-9191-DAE3A5CBBC53',1,'q1',GETDATE() union all

    select 'AB2B400C-CE03-4233-9191-DAE3A5CBBC53',2,'q2',GETDATE() union all

    select 'AB2B400C-CE03-4233-9191-DAE3A5CBBC53',3,'q3',GETDATE() union all

    select 'AB2B400C-CE03-4233-9191-DAE3A5CBBC53',4,'q4',GETDATE()

    select * from @question

    the output will be

    questionid questionbankindexnumber questioncreateddate

    1B7152F93-45CE1 q1 2012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    2B7152F93-45CE2 q2 2012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    3B7152F93-45CE3 q3 2012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    4B7152F93-45CE4 q4 2012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    5B7152F93-45CE5 q5 2012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    6AB2B400C-CE031 q1 2012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    7AB2B400C-CE032 q2 2012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    8AB2B400C-CE033 q3 2012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    9AB2B400C-CE034 q4 2012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    here i just wrote delete store procedure by passing one parameter @DeleteId varchar(MAX)

    her i just called split function to delete mutiple questionid at a time for eg; '2,5'

    here is the procedure

    declare @DeleteId varchar(MAX)='2,5'

    declare @questionbank uniqueidentifier

    set @questionbank =(select top 1 questionbank from @question where questionid in (select val from [dbo].[FN_SplitData] (@DeleteId,',')))

    Delete from @question where questionid in (select val from [dbo].[FN_SplitData] (@DeleteId,','))

    select * from @question where questionbank=@questionbank

    which will give output like this

    questionid questionbankindexnumberquestioncrdate

    1 B7152F93-45CE1q12012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    3 B7152F93-45CE3q32012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    4 B7152F93-45CE4q42012-10-22 04:10:19.457


    now i just want to change the index number in a order in this proc itself like this

    questionid questionbankindexnumberquestioncrdate

    1 B7152F93-45CE1q12012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    3 B7152F93-45CE2q32012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    4 B7152F93-45CE3q42012-10-22 04:10:19.457

    can anyone plz try to solve this one

  • -- sample data setup

    DECLARE @question table


    questionid int identity(1,1),

    questionbank uniqueidentifier,

    indexnumber int,

    question varchar(20),

    crdate datetime


    insert into @question

    select 'B7152F93-45CE-4485-9672-7E0E5F62F775',1,'q1',GETDATE() union all

    select 'B7152F93-45CE-4485-9672-7E0E5F62F775',2,'q2',GETDATE() union all

    select 'B7152F93-45CE-4485-9672-7E0E5F62F775',3,'q3',GETDATE() union all

    select 'B7152F93-45CE-4485-9672-7E0E5F62F775',4,'q4',GETDATE() union all

    select 'B7152F93-45CE-4485-9672-7E0E5F62F775',5,'q5',GETDATE() union all

    select 'AB2B400C-CE03-4233-9191-DAE3A5CBBC53',1,'q1',GETDATE() union all

    select 'AB2B400C-CE03-4233-9191-DAE3A5CBBC53',2,'q2',GETDATE() union all

    select 'AB2B400C-CE03-4233-9191-DAE3A5CBBC53',3,'q3',GETDATE() union all

    select 'AB2B400C-CE03-4233-9191-DAE3A5CBBC53',4,'q4',GETDATE()

    -- check the sample data

    select * from @question

    -- delete a couple of rows

    DELETE FROM @question WHERE questionid in (2,5)

    -- renumber indexnumber

    ;WITH Renumberer AS (

    SELECT *,

    NewIndexNumber = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY questionbank ORDER BY IndexNumber)

    FROM @question


    UPDATE Renumberer

    SET indexnumber = NewIndexNumber

    WHERE indexnumber <> NewIndexNumber

    -- check that the renumber has worked

    SELECT * FROM @question

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  • thanks ChrisM@home

    it was working fine

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