Send file with dynamic name through SFTP

  • Hi,

    I appended date and time(yymmddhhmm) to the csv file generated by the SSIS package through adding variables and expression in the connection string.

    However, when I tried to send the file through SFTP task, the package failed to run and return message: 'Source: SFTP Task SFTP Task Description: The File "Flat File Connection Manager" doesn't contain file path(s).'

    I set the local 'flat file connection manager' in my SFTP task. It worked well in the past but started to have issue recently.

    Could anyone help out?

    Thank you very much.

  • Does anyone have any idea on this? Thanks in advance.

  • I have had a similar problem. I tkink I solved it by setting the root folder. It was looking in the wrong folder.

    Ian Cockcroft
    MCITP BI Specialist

  • so you mean by setting the local the root folder?

    I think the issue is also related to the running time of package..It only happens when it takes more than 1 min to I append hour and min to the file name, I wonder is it because when the file finishes running, SFTP can't find the file attached with current time?

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