Is Merge Replication replicate uncommitted transaction.

  • I am using Merge Replication between SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000.

    Isolation level is read_uncommitted.

    I ran some script on Sql server 2000. and in between I got error on script before the Rollback tran.

    But the table already affected with come rows.

    In this situation, are the records used to replicate to the other server.

    and after rollback , will it be deleted ????

    If NO:

    why I got the error:

    "The merge process was unable to create a new generation at the 'Subscriber'" query time out.

    and for some time I got the same error. And again it ran as usual.

    I want to know the reason.....

    SQL SERVER is auto committed. But is replication uploading the uncommitted transactions???

    Please reply with some valid reason.

    Thanks in advanced.

    -EX:----------- I got error on step # 5 . up that Insert, Update happened to the Table. but rollback is on step #8.


    1.Begin Tran

    2 .....






    8.Rollback Transaction




  • Generally, when I see the error "The merge process was unable to create a new generation at the 'Subscriber'", this is a result of blocking. I would suggest that your open transaction was blocking the replication process (as it would acquire locks on the table being updated and the msmerge... tables used to track changes) and that the uncommitted transaction would not be replicated.

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