Count Comparison Month over Month - doesn't work when filtered

  • My first dive into MDX. I have a calculation which works when 2 entire months are compared. When I filter the Transaction Date to compare e.g. September Days 1 to 10 to October Days 1 to 10, this calc does not work. It still shows a difference in count of 30 days in September (entire month) vs October, so counts are ALL negative. How do I resolve? Tia!!


    // Test for current coordinate being on (All) member.

    When [Transaction Date].[Date Hierarchy].CurrentMember.Level Is

    [Transaction Date].[Date Hierarchy].[(All)]

    Then "NA"

    // Test to avoid division by zero.

    When IsEmpty





    [Transaction Date].[Date Hierarchy].[Month],


    [Transaction Date].[Date Hierarchy].CurrentMember


    [Measures].[Checks Count]



    Then Null

    Else (

    ( [Transaction Date].[Date Hierarchy].CurrentMember,

    [Measures].[Checks Count])





    [Transaction Date].[Date Hierarchy].[Month],


    [Transaction Date].[Date Hierarchy].CurrentMember


    [Measures].[Checks Count]




    Chris Becker

  • Would be nice to have something more re-usable. I found this code with a google search, however is limited when drilling through Transaction Date dim, will not work when Year or Quarter selected.

    Do I need to create another calculated measure for these?? Seems to clutter up measures group fast and is not flexible

    Thanks in advance for any help,


    Chris Becker

  • Is this not working for September Days 1 to 10 or are you looking for an aggregated view of September Days 1 to 10?

    The query looks like it should work fine for each individual days...


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