Display multiple row values in a single row.

  • Hi,

    Lets say, I have a table with Gender,Name and Age.

    Gender Name Age


    Male John 52

    Female Joe 33

    Male Jim 42

    I want the output to be like;

    Male John 52 Jim 42

    Female Joe 33

    can anybody help me this on SQL SERVER 2003...??

  • Like this:


    (Gender VARCHAR(6), Name VARCHAR(6), Age INT)

    INSERT INTO @Names

    SELECT 'Male','John', 52

    UNION ALL SELECT 'Female','Joe', 33

    UNION ALL SELECT 'Male','Jim',42

    SELECT Gender, Names=


    SELECT ' ' + Name + ' ' + CAST(Age AS VARCHAR)

    FROM @Names b

    WHERE a.Gender = b.Gender

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)')

    ,1, 1, '')

    FROM @Names a

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  • My way is very similare to Dwain's way, but I also added the distinct key word so there will be only 2 rows. I also didn't use the stuff function:

    DECLARE @Tbl TABLE (Gender char(6), Name varchar(20), Age tinyint)

    INSERT INTO @Tbl (Gender, Name, Age)

    SELECT 'Male', 'John', 52


    SELECT 'Female', 'Joe', 33


    SELECT 'Male', 'Jim', 42

    select distinct Gender,

    cast((select Name + ' ' + cast(Age as char(2)) + ' ' FROM @Tbl t1 where t1.Gender = t2.Gender for xml path('')) as varchar(max)) as Det

    from @Tbl t2


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