How to SetItemParameters for a report in SSRS 2008 using web services through SSIS package Script Task

  • Gettings Everyone !! 🙂

    I'm new to SSRS and really need some help from you experts in this Forum -- I created a SSIS package and in a "Script Task" (using C# as language) I've established connection using web service to 'talk' to a report -- code below:

    public void Main()


    ReportingService2010 rs = new ReportingService2010();

    rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

    rs.Url = http://somesever:8080/ReportServer_SQL01/reportservice2010.asmx?wsdl;

    string report = "/ABM/ABM_REPORTS/Master/SSIS Linked Monthly Report";

    bool forRendering = false;

    string historyID = null;

    ParameterValue[] values = null;

    DataSourceCredentials[] credentials = null;

    ItemParameter[] parameters = null;

    int counter = 0;



    parameters = rs.GetItemParameters(report, historyID, forRendering, values, credentials);

    if (parameters != null)


    foreach (var rp in parameters)




    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", rp.Name);

    Console.WriteLine("Prompt: ", rp.Prompt);

    if (rp.PromptUser == true)

    Console.WriteLine("PromptUser is true");




    catch (SoapException e)




    Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;




    Name: databaseName


    PromptUser is true


    Name: centre


    PromptUser is true


    Name: processDate


    PromptUser is true

    Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility

    Version 10.50.1600.1 for 32-bit

    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2010. All rights reserved.

    I was able to print out everything retrived from the GetItemParameters Method HOWEVER I don't know how to SET (assign a defauilt value to the first parameter and then Hide it so when user access thereport they'll be promoted form 2nd parameter onward) the first parameter "databaseName" -- what I want to Achieve is assign the database name to a spesific one and hide it from user , so user only need to enter 'centre' and 'process date' when they try to run this report.

    HELP!! HELP!! Greatly Appreciated!!!!!!


  • I'm going to reply to myself 😛

    I got this far -- but the last piece having problems:


    parameters = rs.GetItemParameters(report, historyID, forRendering, values, credentials);

    Console.WriteLine("parameters[0].Name = " + parameters[0].Name);

    Console.WriteLine("parameters[0].DefaultValues = " + parameters[0].DefaultValues);

    The above 3 lines of code worked and I got the output:

    parameters[0].Name = databaseName

    parameters[0].DefaultValues =

    Now All I want to do is to assign a Default Falue for this first parameter (parameters[0], databaseName) so I go:

    rs.SetItemParameters(report, parameters[0].DefaultValues.SetValue("My_DB_Name", ???));

    ??For the '???' part no matter what I put (tried '2', 'parameters[0]' ) it wouldn't satisfy the complier -- keeps compalining "The best overloaded method match for 'System.Array.SetValue(object, params long[])' has some invalid arguments" ...

    ?Can someone give me some tips on WHAT should be inside the ( ) for SetValue ??? THAHK YOU SO MUCH!!!

  • Further -- when I I put in code:

    rs.SetItemParameters(report, parameters[0].DefaultValues.SetValue("My_DB_Name", 0));The compiler compalins:

    Argument '2': cannot convert from 'void' to 'ST_a6ff246c0xxxc.csproj.ReportService2010.ItemParameter[]'

    The long sting is the namespace

    Any iders/hints/tips anything will be greatly appreciated 😉 !!!

  • You need to create an array of ItemParameter and pass it to the function. Below is the sample code:

    ItemParameter[] param = new ItemParameter[1];

    param[0] = new ItemParameter();

    param[0].Name = "parameter1"; //Give parameter name here

    param[0].DefaultValues = new string[] {"0"}; //Give parameter value here

    rService.SetItemParameters("ReportPath/ReportName", param);

    Hope this helps..!!!

  • Your code should be like below:

    parameters[0].DefaultValues = new string[] {"My_DB_Name"};

    rs.SetItemParameters(report, parameters);

  • THANK YOU SO Much Ravi -- it totally worked! :-)I was able to assign value to the first parameter of a (freshly created) Linked Report and then 'hide' this parameter so that when user pull this report they can only select form 2nd parameter onward --


    parameters[0].DefaultValue[0] = "My_dbName_1";

    parameters[0].PromptUser = false;

    rs.SetItemParameters(report, parameters);

    This is a critical step for our solution since we have over 20 different SSRS reports and against 10 clients -- each client is a database on the same SQL Server engine (My_dbName_1, My_dbName_2 ....with Identical Schema) so we've created the 20 reports in a generic way by having DB Name as very first parameter and deploy to a "Master" location on report server, and then, using the "Script Task" in a SSIS package via Web Service we create a report folder for each client and then generate 20 "Linked Reports" for each DB from 'master" to that folder -- the last step would be assign the dbName as default value for all reports for each client/database so that user can't see other client's data (security controlled by URL permission) ..... Now with your help our solution is completely automated 🙂 Thanks again!

    This pretty heavy stuff for a Sybase/SQL Server DBA 😎 But I'm glad it worked !!

  • Good to know it helped and you have something automated 🙂

  • Can you help me too with setting the parameters. We don't have a default parameter that can be assigned, but need to use a field from the previous step in the SSIS package that has imported data into a table for a specific period. Then want to use this period as the parameter for the report, but I can't find the syntax in the Value field to assign anything other than a fixed value.

  • Hello, Ravi,

    I am stuck in the exact same step trying to set linked reports default values and such trying to use the SetItemParameters method. My syntax is VB and here is what I do in the code below.

    I would really appreciate your assistance on this,

    Take care,

    Public Sub Main()

    rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

    Dim report As String = "/MyFolder/MySubFolder/Test Linked Report"


    dim param as new ItemParameter()

    param.Name = "LastNameContains"

    dim myDefaultValues(0) as String

    myDefaultValues(0) = "oo"

    param.DefaultValues = myDefaultValues

    rs.SetItemParameters(report, param)

    Catch e As SoapException


    End Try

    End Sub 'Main

  • Hi all,
    i am facing the same problem, passing parameter by powershell.
    If any body can help me please?


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