Error: Must declare the scalar variable "@UPDATE".

  • Hi,

    1)How to resolve this problem " Must declare the scalar variable "@UPDATE".

    myConnection = db.getConnection();

    DataSet ds = new DataSet();

    SqlDataAdapter myAdaptor = new SqlDataAdapter();

    SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand();

    string year = ddl_AcadYear.SelectedValue;

    string period = ddl_AcadPeriod.SelectedValue;

    string course = gv_refresh.Columns[0].ToString();

    //Cmd.Connection = myConnection;

    Cmd.Connection = myConnection;

    string sql = "@UPDATE StudNumIPP SET NofStud = '" + noOfStud + "', DBI_IT_Track = '" + dbiItTrack + "', DBI_Biz_Track = '" + dbiBizTrack + "' where acadYear = '" + year + "' AND acadPeriod = '" + period + "' AND Course ='" + course + "' ";

    Cmd.CommandText = sql;





  • I think you are trying to update a table and using @update (which is used for variables) instead of update

    use this (i just delate @ infront of UPDATE)

    string sql = "UPDATE StudNumIPP SET NofStud = '" + noOfStud + "', DBI_IT_Track = '" + dbiItTrack + "', DBI_Biz_Track = '" + dbiBizTrack + "' where acadYear = '" + year + "' AND acadPeriod = '" + period + "' AND Course ='" + course + "' ";

  • Either that or you need to us the variable outside of the quotes if it holds a dynamic value.


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