How to schedule a job to run a command once a month?

  • Our vertex is installed on sql server 2008R2. Our security policy is that the password will expire every 30 days when the windows password expires. However, the vertex client that connects to the database requires a password too. Everytime, when the password expires, the vertex client will have an error. Once I exec sp_password @new='new_password', loginame='username' on master database, then the vertex client will work again. At this moment, I had set a reminder in my calendar to remember to issue this command on master database every month. I wonder if there is a job that I can schedule to run once a month so that it won't cause problem if I forgot to reset the password or I am on vacation. If so, what steps do I need to follow to set that job?

    I tried to have the password never expire box checked, but it didn't work. I am relatively new to sql server. Any gurus out there have any ideas? Please advice. Thank you very much.

  • You can schedule an agent job to run once per month, but it will still presemably require human intervention to update the password the job updates.

    I'd spend some time figuring out why the "password not expire" option does not work.

    Is the account a server account or domain account?

    Does this vertex application have any service account configuration options?

    I'm guessing it's a domain account so you may need to set it to not expire at both SQL server and active directory level.

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