Error: Variable "User::user_codes" does not contain a valid data object

  • Guys I am getting the following when I was trying to execute my SSIS package.

    Error: Variable "User::user_codes" does not contain a valid data object

    The variable is of data type "object" which gets value from execute sql task with "full result set" output.

    I am trying to use inside this foreachloop container but the package is failing the moment it starts executing for each loop.

    it doesnt even enter into it.

    Can any please help me. Thank you in advance.

  • Please post some details of code or snapshots of how you set or use that variable...

  • Make sure that your variable that you are using in your Foreach loop is defined as a Object variable for the ADO object source.  Also make sure that the Resultset in your execute SQL Task has the same object variable defined to output the resultset for the ADO object source.

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