Use your own optimizer to tune your queries

  • I will show how you could use your own optimization and statistics to tune queries which can not be tuned in other ways.


    I will explain how you could use custom statistics and could have your own optimizer which could perfrom better

    then sql optimizer when the statistics are skewed.In these cases optimizer uses the averag stats and generate a bad plan

    which is not good for all scenario.

    Let us start by creating a table with skewed data. This will have one row for id 1,2 for id 2 and so on...

    This table is being accessed based on id say 5 times a minute during day. The table is accessed through a proc.


    if OBJECT_ID('dbo.SkewedTable','U') is not null


    drop table SkewedTable



    create table SkewedTable

    ( rowid int identity not null,

    id int not null,

    uselessdata char(2) not null



    alter table SkewedTable add constraint PK_SkewedTable_Rowid primary key (rowid)


    --this will insert around 2 million rows..

    insert into SkewedTable with(tablock) (id,uselessdata)

    select id.cnt as id,'UD'

    from Nums id,Nums recs

    where id.cnt <= 2000

    and recs.cnt <= id.cnt

    order by recs.cnt,id.cnt


    create nonclustered index IX_SkewedTable_ID on SkewedTable(id,rowid)


    --update the statistics

    update Statistics SkewedTable with fullscan


    --check the size of the table..

    select * from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(),OBJECT_ID('dbo.SkewedTable','U'),null,null,null)



    Index_depth is 3 for IX_SkewedTable_ID Index_depth for Index on Primary key that is clustered index is 3 as well

    Thus to access a signle row using the index IX_SkewedTable_ID will clock 6 logical IO's.

    But to access the row with more data say for id 100 it will be around 3* 100 + a few logical IO for non clustered index

    scan.On an average we could say that to get a row from table IOs will be number of rows retruned * 3

    Table page count is 4698...

    Thus threshold where the non clustered index seek + key lookup will perform better than table scan if number

    of rows returned are less than 4698/3 = 1550 approx...

    If rows returned are more than 1550 then table scan will perform better..This threshold and analysis will be part of your

    custom statistics and your own optimizer..

    Also using index scan + key lookup will cause random IO's and speed of Random IO's are less than sequential when

    It will be read from disk.


    dbcc show_statistics ('dbo.SkewedTable','IX_SkewedTable_ID')


    ---now create the proc to access the data

    if OBJECT_ID('dbo.uspSkewedTableQuery','P') is not null


    drop procedure uspSkewedTableQuery



    create procedure uspSkewedTableQuery


    @id int




    select * from SkewedTable

    where id = @id



    --now execute the proc

    set statistics io,time on


    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 1

    --It used just 6 IO's and used the non clustered index as expcted IX_SkewedTable_ID.

    --Plan is in the cache so It will be used every time.

    --now exec query with say id 100

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 100

    --As expected used 303 Logical IO's and 88ms elapsed time.

    --Try with 1000 rows

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 1000

    --3006 IO's and 79 ms elapsed time.It has less elapsed time than 100 rows.I checked it multiple times with similar results. That is why I am

    --not using elapsed time as part of my tuning criteria. I will write something on this as well some day.

    --try with threshold value

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 1550

    --4656 Logical IO's.It is almost same as table scan cost and 152 ms elapsed time

    --Try with 1600

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 1600

    --4806 Logical IO's.It is aroudn 100 more than table scan cost and 172 ms elapsed time

    --Try with 2000

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 2000

    --6007 Logical IO's.It is aroudn 1300 more than table scan cost and 103 ms elapsed time

    --Now we will recompile the proc and call with 2000

    --Try with 2000

    exec sp_recompile 'SkewedTable'

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 2000

    --4738 IO's and 115ms elapsed time.It used parallelism as well..


    So till now we tried to find what was the threshold beyond which table scan is better than index seek + lookup.

    Now suppose this proc was created in proc and is executed 5 times a minute and the number of rows are quite random

    If First executeion was for id 1. It will use the nested loop.Then every execution will use this plan..

    Thus any call which returns more than 1570 rows will use the inefficient plan.i.e. approc 20% of total queries if we

    consider call for each id will happen almost same number of times.

    There is no gurantee that first call will be for id 1.What if it is for 2000 rows. It will use table scan

    and so does any other call to the proc. Thus just to return 1 row it has to do around 4738 IO's. This will

    cause around 80% of queries to perfoprm badly and the performance difference is way too mcuh between efficient and

    and inefficient plan.

    In my case the ratio is 20 to 80.It could be any ratio.

    This is where we could use a better plan if we know the data very well and how that data will grow in future etc.

    So what could we do to improve the perforamnce of all calls. One simpel thing comes to mind.Use recompile so that

    most efficient plan is generated everytime.Let us use the recompile.


    if OBJECT_ID('dbo.uspSkewedTableQuery','P') is not null


    drop procedure uspSkewedTableQuery



    create procedure uspSkewedTableQuery


    @id int




    select * from SkewedTable

    where id = @id

    option (recompile)



    --now try some execution

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 2000 -- Nice table scan

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 100 --Nice index seek + key loopkup

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 1 --Nice index seek + key loopkup


    Recompile solved the problem and we are fine. Nothing needs to be done.

    Let me tell you the disadvantages of the recompile. I mentioned that query is executed quite frequently aorund 5

    plans per minute...Recompilations uses resources such as latches ,locks ,cpu time etc.5 recompilations per minute will

    throw some of other procs out of the cache and will cause recompilation of other procs as well. Thus these could have very bad effects

    on busy system with a number of users.This usually results in less scalable application.

    However, there is one more issue.Some of execution might still not get the best plan.Our threshold is 1570.Above which

    table scan is better than index seek + look up.So let us try with 1600.


    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 1600 --what happened no table scan but a index seek + key lookup.4900 IO's

    --Optimizer has selected a less efficient plan.

    --Now choose 1700

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 1700 -- no table scan till now around 5200 IO's

    --try 1800 rows

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 1800 --still no table scan around 5500 IO's. What the hell is wrong with

    --optimizer i know that it should use table scan as that needs just 4700 IO's.

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 1900 --Finally i could see table scan.Is there something wrong with the optimizer?

    --Maybe or maybe not.We are just considering IO cost but optimizer uses CPU cost as well which as a developer we do not

    --have any idea.But I do not know on what basis it is using the cpu cost..But doing 800 more io's in case of 1800 rows

    --doesnt sound right even optimizer is using the cpu cost as well. I will write on this as well soon..If I will get something


    --Thus around 15% queries still did not perform as expected even with recompile.Also, it added overhead for all 100%

    --queries. Only 5% queries got benefitted at the expense of all the 100% queries.


    What could we do to make all the queries 100% efficient? We will create our own optimizer and statistics

    for our optimizer based on our query and data.How do we do that?I will show you..

    As you have noticed that estimated number of rows shown when the proc was using recompile for the statement were

    not near actual number of rows specially for values which return less number of rows.For 100 it was shwoing estimated rows

    as 64.5 but actual rows are 100. Thus we need a way to get a better idea of the estimated rows.Based on this estimated

    rows we will decide what plan to choose. Thus we need to create two tables

    One will keep the estimated rows needed by us and other one will just keep one row and 2 columns.It will have threshold value

    beyond which table scan is better than index seek + key lookup.In Our case it is 1570.

    I am creating the table to keep threshold value so that if you need to do similarly with other tables and queries.use the same table.


    if OBJECT_ID('dbo.Thresholds','U') is not null


    drop table Thresholds



    create table Thresholds


    Tablename sysname not null,

    ThresholdValue int not null



    --You can create an index as well if you keep the data for more tables..

    insert into Thresholds

    select 'SkewedTable',1600

    --truncate table Thresholds


    I have used 1600 as threshold value instead of 1570 as threshold value. This I have done to compensate some of the

    cpu cost.



    -- You can add another column called index name as well in above table and then use the diff threshold values

    --for eahc index on the table..

    --Now create the our own stats table

    if OBJECT_ID('dbo.SkewedTableStats','U') is not null


    drop table SkewedTableStats



    create table SkewedTableStats


    id int primary key not null,

    Rowcnt int not null



    insert into SkewedTableStats

    select id,COUNT(*) from


    group by id


    update Statistics SkewedTableStats with fullscan


    --Now we got our own stats use our own optimizer which can decide what should be the

    --plan based on the input param @id

    if OBJECT_ID('dbo.uspSkewedTableQuery','P') is not null


    drop procedure uspSkewedTableQuery



    create procedure uspSkewedTableQuery


    @id int




    declare @estrowcnt int,@thresholdvalue int,@actualrowcnt int

    --find the number os rows returned by the given id

    select @estrowcnt=Rowcnt from SkewedTableStats where id = @id

    --find the threshold value

    select @thresholdvalue= ThresholdValue from Thresholds where Tablename = 'SkewedTable'

    --select @thresholdvalue,@estrowcnt

    --now check whether @estrowcnt is greater than @thresholdvalue if @estrwocount > @threshold value use table scan

    --else use index seek + key klookup

    if (@estrowcnt >= @thresholdvalue)


    --Table scan..

    select * from SkewedTable with (index =PK_SkewedTable_RowId )

    where id = @id




    --index seek

    select * from SkewedTable with (index =IX_SkewedTable_ID )

    where id = @id




    --now is time to test few scenarios

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 1


    --Index seek 6 IO's + 1 IO

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 100


    --Index seek 303 IO's

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 1600


    --Table scan (clustered index scan) 4738 IO's

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 1800


    --Table scan (clustered index scan) 4738 IO's

    exec uspSkewedTableQuery 2000


    --Table scan (clustered index scan) 4738 IO's


    Great we got the plan we wanted for all scenarios yet no recompiles.Just by using our little knowledge about the data

    and how it is used.

    This is great but it has overhead as well which needs to be considered. What are these overheads?

    1. We are querying two extra tables. Innout case this is just 3 IO's which is negligible and mostly it will be negligible

    only. Thus you can ignore this kind of overhead.

    2. Thresholds table updates.It has the threshold value this will remain same most of time except when the index depth

    of the index used will be changed this needs to be updated. Thus this table needs very few updates.Thus You can update

    it during weekend or once a week on a time when there are not much activity. This can be ignored as well.

    3. Stats table. This table have little bit overhead as the data in the main table will be changed this table needs to be updated.Below are possible ways to update this table

    and the overheads associated with it.

    a. If the data in the table changes in similar proportions then you do not need to update the table real time.Rather update once a day.

    THus overhead is to populate it everyday with latest data. This is also negligible most of times unless the index size on tables is too huge.

    b. If the data changes randomly and there are lots of fluctuations then you can have a trigger to update the stats table. Even auto stats will have similar kind of


    c. This is my favourite way to update the stats table with almost negligible overhead in case when data fluctuates too much.But this could be used with specific

    kidn of queries and not always.

    e.g. in our proc we can use this strategy as the final query will return actual number of rows in the table.If there were sarg on final query which restricts the

    result set we can not use this strategy.

    if OBJECT_ID('dbo.uspSkewedTableQuery','P') is not null


    drop procedure uspSkewedTableQuery



    create procedure uspSkewedTableQuery


    @id int




    declare @estrowcnt int,@thresholdvalue int,@actualrowcnt int

    --find the number os rows returned by the given id

    select @estrowcnt=Rowcnt from SkewedTableStats where id = @id

    --find the threshold value

    select @thresholdvalue= ThresholdValue from Thresholds where Tablename = 'SkewedTable'

    --select @thresholdvalue,@estrowcnt

    --now check whether @estrowcnt is greater than @thresholdvalue if @estrwocount > @threshold value use table scan

    --else use index seek + key klookup

    if (@estrowcnt >= @thresholdvalue)


    --Table scan..

    select * from SkewedTable with (index =PK_SkewedTable_RowId )

    where id = @id

    set @actualrowcnt = @@rowcnt

    --if actual row count falls below threshold than update the actual rowc ount in stats table.

    if (@actualrowcnt < @thresholdvalue)


    update SkewedTableStats

    set rowcnt = @actualrowcnt

    where id= @id





    --index seek

    select * from SkewedTable with (index =IX_SkewedTable_ID )

    where id = @id

    set @actualrowcnt = @@rowcnt

    if (@actualrowcnt >= @thresholdvalue)


    update SkewedTableStats

    set rowcnt = @actualrowcnt

    where id= @id





    So this has minimum overhead and kind of resemble the async update stats configure parameter of SQL server

    I have mostly used above 3 methods to update my stats table.Specially 1 and 3.

    4. In SQL server you could use an indexed view instead of the stats table. It will have its overhead as well.However, if you have indexed view on this table

    and which uses the aggregate function for some other purpose in your application. Then this is the best way as you will have almost minimal overhead.

    As you have seen that using your own optimizer and stats have some overhead. Thus before using this strategy make sure that the gain in performance is more than

    the overhead associated with it. If your stats table could be updated using methods in 1,3 and 4. Then it has almost no overhead.

    There are cases when you do not need stats table at all in that case you can use this strategy without any overhead. I will explain this in next post.

    Fine.What kind of scenario we can use our own stats and optimizer.

    1. In the case when the column (s) data is too much skewed and almost all the values in the column are used to get the data from the table.e.g. in this case.

    2. When the column data is distributed almost equally but your queries used < ,> or between instead of equal. This strategy could be used to get best plan.

    3. This strategy deciding your own plan based on stats will eliminate parameter sniffing (however, you will still see the estimated number of rows etc based on first

    execution but performance wise parameter sniffing is almost eliminated). Thus if you have parameter sniffing try to use this to eliminate.

    4. This can be used when you get the data ito some intermediate table like temp table and then you get the data from your main tables based on that temp table.

    I will explain this in next post. This doesnt need a stats table at all.

    Conclusion: You can have your own optimizer and stats to make sure that you get the best plan. This depends mainly on the data you have,how this data is accessed etc.



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