DMX Error

  • I have a data base (testmining) with 2 tables in my engine service,

    these 2 table are connected with customer_id column as a primary key in customer and foreign key in purchase

    and i have a database (mining) in my analyses service on my sql server 2008 ,

    so i create a mining model in my mining database on analyses services :

    Create mining model MarketBasketModel


    CustomerId long key,

    Gender text discrete,

    Income long continuous,

    MemberCard text discrete,

    Purchases table Predict_Only (

    ProductName text key,

    Quantity long continuous



    Using Microsoft_Decision_Trees

    so when i want to execute this command :

    Insert into MarketBasketModel_Structure( CustomerId, Gender, Income, MemberCard,

    Purchases( ProductName, Quantity) )

    OpenRowset('SQLOLEDB', 'Server=EHSAN-PC;Integrated Security=SSPI',


    { Select Customer_id, Gender, Income, member_cart From testmining.dbo.Customer }

    Append (

    { Select Product_Name, Quantity From testmining.dbo.Purchase }

    Relate testmining.dbo.Customer.Customer_Id to testmining.dbo.Purchase.Customer_id ) as Purchase')

    i got this error :

    OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Syntax error or access violation; 42000

    baaaaaaaaaaaaaleh!!! (Ehs_Akb)

  • duplicate post. No replies plese.

    Please repond using the original thread

    @Larry: Posting the same question multiple times does not only fragment the answers. It might also lead to duplicate answers (= waste of time for those of us answering questions).

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • sorry ,

    i am asking this question for month but unfortunately i donot get any answer for that .and i have to ask this question in others part of forums .

    baaaaaaaaaaaaaleh!!! (Ehs_Akb)

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