Regarding store procedure

  • Hello,

    I have written a stroreprocedure in that i have to execute the 4 conditions, for that i used if loop in it..

    can you please guid me how could i write it in other way...

    can i use switch case in it??

    It is as below;

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_GetCollegeData1]


    @CourseId numeric(18,0),

    @DegreeId numeric(18,0),

    @StreamId numeric(18,0) = null,

    @CityId numeric(18,0) = null,

    @mode char=null


    AS--select * from CollegeMaster

    -- to get college data when stream id is given and city id is specified



    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY main.CollegeName) as SrNo

    ,main.[CollegeId],[CollegeLogo],[CollegeName], main.PaidClientPage








    ,main.[CountryId],[CountryName] INTO #tempCollegeData1

    FROM CollegeMaster main , College_DegreeStreamTransition degTrans ,College_UniversityMaster univ,

    College_AccredationMaster acc ,College_ApprovedMaster app , College_TrustMaster trust,

    College_CityMaster city ,College_CountryMaster coun ,College_StateMaster stat

    WHERE main.CollegeId = degTrans.CollegeId

    and main.TrustId=trust.TrustId and main.ApprovedId= app.ApprovedId

    and main.AccredationId= acc.AccredationId and univ.UniversityId = main.UniversityId

    and main.CountryId = coun.CountryId and main.CityId = city.CityId

    and main.StateId= stat.StateId and degTrans.CourseTypeId = @CourseId

    and DegreeId = @DegreeId and StreamgroupId = @StreamId and main.CityId = @CityId

    and main.CollegeAccType = 'paid'

    Group by main.[CollegeId],[CollegeLogo],[CollegeName], main.PaidClientPage









    ORDER BY main.CollegeName




    -- to get college data when stream id is given and city id is all (not specified)

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY main.CollegeName) as SrNo

    ,main.[CollegeId],[CollegeLogo],[CollegeName], main.PaidClientPage








    ,main.[CountryId],[CountryName] INTO #tempCollegeData3

    FROM CollegeMaster main , College_DegreeStreamTransition degTrans ,College_UniversityMaster univ,

    College_AccredationMaster acc ,College_ApprovedMaster app , College_TrustMaster trust,

    College_CityMaster city ,College_CountryMaster coun ,College_StateMaster stat

    WHERE main.CollegeId = degTrans.CollegeId

    and main.TrustId=trust.TrustId and main.ApprovedId= app.ApprovedId

    and main.AccredationId= acc.AccredationId and univ.UniversityId = main.UniversityId

    and main.CountryId = coun.CountryId and main.CityId = city.CityId

    and main.StateId= stat.StateId and degTrans.CourseTypeId = @CourseId

    and DegreeId = @DegreeId and StreamgroupId = @StreamId

    and main.CollegeAccType = 'paid'

    --Added by Pallavi on 27 june 2011

    Group by main.[CollegeId],[CollegeLogo],[CollegeName], main.PaidClientPage









    ORDER BY main.CollegeName




    -- to get college data when stream id is all and city id is specified

    SELECT distinct main.[CollegeId],[CollegeLogo],[CollegeName]

    ,course.[CourseTypeId],degree.[DegreeId], main.PaidClientPage







    ,main.[CountryId],[CountryName] INTO #tempCollegeData5

    FROM CollegeMaster main , College_DegreeStreamTransition degTrans ,College_UniversityMaster univ,

    College_AccredationMaster acc ,College_ApprovedMaster app , College_TrustMaster trust,

    College_CityMaster city ,College_CountryMaster coun ,College_StateMaster stat,college_coursetypemaster course, college_degreemaster degree

    WHERE main.CollegeId = degTrans.CollegeId

    and main.TrustId=trust.TrustId and main.ApprovedId= app.ApprovedId

    and main.AccredationId= acc.AccredationId and univ.UniversityId = main.UniversityId

    and main.CountryId = coun.CountryId and main.CityId = city.CityId

    and course.courseTypeId=degTrans.courseTypeId and degree.degreeid=degTrans.degreeid

    and main.StateId= stat.StateId and course.CourseTypeId = @CourseId

    and degree.DegreeId = @DegreeId and main.CityId = @CityId

    and main.CollegeAccType = 'paid'

    ORDER BY main.CollegeName




    -- to get college data when stream id is all and city id is all

    SELECT distinct main.[CollegeId],[CollegeLogo],[CollegeName]

    ,course.[CourseTypeId],degree.[DegreeId], main.PaidClientPage







    ,main.[CountryId],[CountryName] into #tempCollegeData7

    FROM CollegeMaster main , College_DegreeStreamTransition degTrans ,College_UniversityMaster univ,

    College_AccredationMaster acc ,College_ApprovedMaster app , College_TrustMaster trust,

    College_CityMaster city ,College_CountryMaster coun ,College_StateMaster stat,college_coursetypemaster course,

    college_degreemaster degree

    WHERE main.CollegeId = degTrans.CollegeId

    and main.TrustId=trust.TrustId and main.ApprovedId= app.ApprovedId

    and main.AccredationId= acc.AccredationId and univ.UniversityId = main.UniversityId

    and main.CountryId = coun.CountryId and main.CityId = city.CityId

    and course.courseTypeId=degTrans.courseTypeId and degree.degreeid=degTrans.degreeid and main.StateId= stat.StateId and course.CourseTypeId = @CourseId

    and degree.DegreeId = @DegreeId and main.CollegeAccType = 'paid'

    ORDER BY main.CollegeName

    SELECT distinct main.[CollegeId],[CollegeLogo],[CollegeName]

    ,course.[CourseTypeId],degree.[DegreeId], main.PaidClientPage







    ,main.[CountryId],[CountryName] into #tempCollegeData8

    FROM CollegeMaster main , College_DegreeStreamTransition degTrans ,College_UniversityMaster univ,

    College_AccredationMaster acc ,College_ApprovedMaster app , College_TrustMaster trust,

    College_CityMaster city ,College_CountryMaster coun ,College_StateMaster stat, college_coursetypemaster course,

    college_degreemaster degree

    WHERE main.CollegeId = degTrans.CollegeId

    and main.TrustId=trust.TrustId and main.ApprovedId= app.ApprovedId

    and main.AccredationId= acc.AccredationId and univ.UniversityId = main.UniversityId

    and main.CountryId = coun.CountryId and main.CityId = city.CityId

    and course.courseTypeId=degTrans.courseTypeId and degree.degreeid=degTrans.degreeid

    and main.StateId= stat.StateId and course.CourseTypeId = @CourseId

    and degree.DegreeId = @DegreeId and main.CollegeAccType = 'Unpaid'

    ORDER BY main.CollegeName


    I wanted to write it in other way.....

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Why do you want to write it differently?

    The way it is right now is one valid approach to tackle "catch-all-queries"[/url].

    It might be an option to move the "common query" into a view. This wouldn't help performance but it might help to reduce duplicate code.

    Another option would be dynamic sql.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

    How to get fast answers to your question[/url]
    How to post performance related questions[/url]
    Links for Tally Table [/url] , Cross Tabs [/url] and Dynamic Cross Tabs [/url], Delimited Split Function[/url]

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