Script For Monitoring State of other servers and alerting !!!

  • Please can you help I need a script that will use a centralized server to monitor other sql servers state and if a server is offline it will send a email to alert the dba about which server has a database that is offline . Pleaase do great assist and all your help is greatly appreciated.

  • I'm sure there is a better way. This was just fast to throw together.

    This assumes you have dbmail setup and a valid operator.

    Run this on the server you want to monitor:

    create database dbadmin


    use dbadmin


    create table serverstatus (

    isawake char(1))


    insert into serverstatus


    create a least privelidged login and a link server connection from your monitor to the monitoree with that account.

    Then throw this in a job step

    Declare @isawake char(1)

    set @isawake = (select isawake

    from [SERVERIWANTTOMONITOR].dbadmin.dbo.serverstatus)

    if @isawake <> '1'


    raiserror('Test Notify Server Failure', 16, 1, 1)


    Set the notifications on the job to email the operator on failure. Also have a second server that points back to the monitor server to validate that is awake as well.

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