Linked Server Raw Data Size Limit?

  • Is there a limit to how many bytes of data can be returned over a linked server? If so, is it configurable?

    Quick example of what I'm seeing:

    From Server A:

    SELECT DATALENGTH(col1) FROM [RemoteServer].[Database].dbo.[Table] WHERE ID = 1971118

    -- 1132

    SELECT DATALENGTH(col1) FROM [RemoteServer].[Database].dbo.[Table] WHERE ID = 1969881

    -- 0

    From Server B:

    SELECT DATALENGTH(col1) FROM [RemoteServer].[Database].dbo.[Table] WHERE ID = 1971118

    -- 1132

    SELECT DATALENGTH(col1) FROM [RemoteServer].[Database].dbo.[Table] WHERE ID = 1969881

    -- 93560512

    I'm trying to figure out why Server A is returning 0 for the second query. The Linked servers are set up the exact same way. Both servers are SQL Server 2005 SP3, Enterprise Edition (Server A is 32 bit, Server B is 64 bit; I get the same results as Server B on another 32 bit machine, though that one runs SQL2K5 SP4).

    What are some of the reasons this could be happening?

  • Did you ever figure this out? Seeing the exact same thing and can't find any documentation on it!

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