Password change

  • Hi,

    I have created a DDL trigger that would send me a mail as soon as someone try to change the password of any login in SQL Server.I thought its very simple .The issue here is I am getting mail for all alter login event (for example if somebody changes the default database ,disable or enable the login etc). I want to filter it only to password change ,say if someone edits the password I need to get a notification.How to achieve it.Give me a full code for me

  • I don't think you can do that. Maybe need more explication.The only password you can maybe track is SQL Account. You want verify for change after the first connection ? or any time the users can change her own password

  • I tried select loginproperty('loginame','passwordlastsettime')As 'passwordlasttime'

    Its showing the last password change.

  • Hi,

    Can you please provide the script to send alerts for altering sql logins in sql server?

    Sanket Ahir
    Don't run behind the success, Try to be eligible & success will run behind u......

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