Issue with trying to incorporate the following SELECT DATEPART(WEEKDAY, GETDATE())

  • Hey All

    I am new to SQL development and come from a help desk background. This is one of my first projects and I am stuck. My out come would be to use the- SELECT DATEPART(WEEKDAY, GETDATE())- into a current table I have set up. The following code attached is what I am working with. My outcome would be to create another column next to my results with numeric values next to the dates. I am stuck by only getting the current date but I would like it to go for my whole selected date range. Any help is appreciated. This screen shot was from yesterday so I understand today would be 4 and so on.


    SELECT * FROM ##salesdays


    SELECT date FROM dbo.csta_non_working_days


    This gives me the following results below in the image.

  • Hi try this,

    SELECT dateRange,DATEPART(WEEKDAY,dateRange)as Week_day



    SELECT dateRange FROM ##salesdays


    SELECT date FROM dbo.csta_non_working_days

    ) as t

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Thank you very much. This was the fix I needed. Thank you again.


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