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The Network Bottleneck

Most of us know that sending extra data back in a result set is a waste of resources. This can certainly cause delays and poor response in our apps, and across slow networks, this can even cause timeouts. Good developers try to limit the data transfer to just the data necessary, without pulling back extra fields. This is one reason a "SELECT *" is a bad idea.

What about when we are sending just the data we need, but that data is so voluminous that we can't easily transmit it across a network. That's one of the ideas that is noted in this piece, which asks for innovation in the way that we move data around, especially IoT data. This type of data is growing, and potentially growing across networks that are bandwidth constrained, such as satellite and cellular links.

Do many of you find that your network links are constrained? I certainly do at times, though I live in a place where the broadband and cellular networks are not very robust. Even so, most of the time I never notice issues with moving data around. Even when using a real time application, such as streaming data.

Perhaps there are tricks that buffer data and hide network issues, but even if that is the case, is there a problem? After all, that's part of what our applications should do: isolate and protect us from the inherent unreliability of hardware.

Relational databases continue to store and process larger amounts of data all the time. Size of data operations, which grow increasingly cumbersome as data volumes grow, are a place where many vendors are trying to improve their offerings. Microsoft is one of these, and some of the improvements in SQL Server 2019, with Big Data Clusters, Accelerated Database Recovery, and scale out architectures are designed to precisely help us cope with more data.

I have confidence that we will continue to solve these problems, and that networks will keep growing to support the demands of our ever increasing database sizes. We just need to be sure we continue to evolve and grow our applications to take advantage of these improvements.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

Redgate SQL Provision
 Featured Contents

Displaying Execution Plans

Randy_Dyess from

Randy starts a multiple part series on tuning queries. We've asked Randy to really start from scratch and walk through the process. This week he takes a look at viewing query plans in Query Analyzer.

How to make your 2020 monitoring strategy a success

Press Release from Redgate

Join Redgate’s Arneh Eskandari and BMW’s Tony Maddonna for a free webinar on Nov 20: How to make your 2020 monitoring strategy a success. Learn how to prepare for successful estate growth, expected trends for the year, and the role monitoring plays in engabling growth and stability in your organization.

What’s New in SQL Server 2019

Additional Articles from Brent Ozar Unlimited Blog

In this video Brent takes a 40-minute look at some of his favorite new features: deferred compilation for table variables, adaptive memory grants, adaptive joins, and air_quote_actual plans

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Invest in Yourself Stop Making Excuses

SQLEspresso from SQLEspresso

Bob Pusateri (B|T) tweeted a quote image that really struck a chord with me and elicited a strong reaction from myself. It got me thinking I need to write...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - SQLSaturday Orlando Notes – Kahoot

Andy Warren from SQLAndy

The last two years we did Family Feud as part of our end of day gathering. Fun, exciting, and energetic are all words I’d use to describe it. Definitely...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


The Derived Table

What happens when I run this code?
SELECT          C.CustomerID
                              OrderDate = MAX(sh.OrderDate)
                     FROM     dbo.SalesHeader AS sh
                     GROUP BY sh.CustomerID
                ) AS C
         ON C.CustomerID = c2.CustomerID;

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Thom A)

Ending a line with a Backslash

You have the below Procedure, that dynamically inserts data into the Table specified by the parameter `@TargetTable`:

CREATE PROC dbo.InsertFilePath @TargetTable   sysname,
                               @DirectoryPath NVARCHAR(255),
                               @FileName      NVARCHAR(255)
    SELECT    @TargetTable =
              sys.schemas AS s
         JOIN sys.tables  AS t
             ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id
         = N'dbo'
              AND = @TargetTable;
    SET @SQL
        = N'
INSERT INTO dbo.' + QUOTENAME(@TargetTable)
          + N' (DirectoryPath, [FileName])
VALUES(@DirectoryPath, --This should be the full directory path, with the closing . For example \\ShareServer\ShareName\Directory\ 
       @FileName); --This should only be the name of the file, for example MyImage.jpg';
    EXEC sp_executesql
        N'@DirectoryPath nvarchar(255), @FileName nvarchar(255)',

Assuming the table `ImageFiles` exists on the `dbo` schema, what would be the result of the below SQL?

EXEC dbo.InsertFilePath @TargetTable = N'ImageFiles',
                        @DirectoryPath = 'Share01PublicCats',
                        @FileName = 'SleepyGeorge.png';

Answer: Incorrect syntax near ','.

Explanation: The line starting with `VALUES(@DirectoryPath,` ends with a which is immediately followed by a line break or carriage return and line break and is a literal string or binary value. As a result the will be interpreted as a "Backslash (Line Continuation)" character. This means the `SET @SQL` statement effectively becomes this:

    SET @SQL = N'
INSERT INTO dbo.' + QUOTENAME(@TargetTable) + N' (DirectoryPath, [FileName])
VALUES(@DirectoryPath, --This should be the full directory path, with the closing . For example ShareServerShareNameDirectory       @FileName); --This should only be the name of the file, for example MyImage.jpg';

As `@DirectoryPath,` is followed by a single line comment, this means the rest of the statement is put inside those comments and thus a syntax error is created. The Backslash (Line Continuation) can be used to split up both literal string and binary values. For example:

'This is a long literal string, and it''s too long to put on one line and not easily be readable\  
as a result you can use the backslash () character, and immediate follow it with a line break, or \ 
Carriage return and Line Break to have the string interpreted as one line, however, by the data engine it will be read as one.'

--Would be read as
'This is a long literal string, and it''s too long to put on one line and not easily be readable as a result you can use the backslash () character, and immediate follow it with a line break, or Carriage return and Line Break to have the string interpreted as one line, however, by the data engine it will be read as one.'

--Binary values work too


--Would be read as

It does not, however, work on numerical values:

SELECT 12345 98754

--Returns the error "Incorrect syntax near ''."

Backslash (Line Continuation) (Transact-SQL)

Discuss this question and answer on the forums


Featured Script

T-SQL query to get the latest available backup chain

Brahmanand Shukla from SQLServerCentral

T-SQL query to return the latest available database backup chain (Full, Differential and Log) of individual databases along with their backup size and compressed size.

Author : Brahmanand Shukla
Date : 28-Oct-2019
Purpose : T-SQL query to get the latest available backup chain

DECLARE @server_name VARCHAR(50) = 'ALL'
, @database_name VARCHAR(50) = 'ALL'

-- Uncomment the below section and supply your if you want to fetch the report for specific server
--SET @server_name = 'sql_server_1'

-- Uncomment the below section and supply your if you want to fetch the report for specific database
--SET @database_name = 'sql_database_1'

; WITH cte_Backup
SELECT backupset.server_name
, backupset.database_name
, backupset.backup_start_date
, backupset.backup_finish_date
CASE backupset.type
WHEN 'D' THEN 'Full'
WHEN 'I' THEN 'Differential'
END AS [backup_type]
, CAST(((backupset.backup_size / 1024) / 1024) AS NUMERIC(18, 2)) AS [Backup_size_MB]
, CAST(((backupset.compressed_backup_size / 1024) / 1024) AS NUMERIC(18, 2)) AS [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, DATEDIFF(SECOND, backupset.backup_start_date, backupset.backup_finish_date) AS [Duration_Seconds]
, backupset.database_creation_date
, backupset.recovery_model
, backupmediafamily.physical_device_name
, backupset.[user_name]
, backupset.[backup_set_uuid]
, backupset.[database_backup_lsn]
, backupset.[differential_base_guid]
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY backupset.server_name, backupset.database_name, backupset.type
ORDER BY backupset.backup_finish_date DESC) AS [RowID]
CASE backupset.type
END AS [backup_type_sort_order]
FROM msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily backupmediafamily
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset backupset
ON backupmediafamily.media_set_id = backupset.media_set_id
WHERE (@server_name = 'ALL' OR backupset.server_name = @server_name)
AND (@database_name = 'ALL' OR backupset.database_name = @database_name)
, cte_Backup_Full
FROM cte_Backup
WHERE [backup_type] = 'Full'
AND [RowID] = 1
, cte_Backup_Differential
SELECT DIF.[server_name]
, DIF.[database_name]
, DIF.[backup_start_date]
, DIF.[backup_finish_date]
, DIF.[backup_type]
, DIF.[Backup_size_MB]
, DIF.[Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, DIF.[Duration_Seconds]
, DIF.[database_creation_date]
, DIF.[recovery_model]
, DIF.[physical_device_name]
, DIF.[user_name]
, DIF.[backup_type_sort_order]
, DIF.[database_backup_lsn]
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY DIF.[server_name], DIF.[database_name], DIF.[differential_base_guid]
ORDER BY DIF.[backup_finish_date] DESC) AS [RowID]
FROM cte_Backup DIF
INNER JOIN cte_Backup_Full FUL
ON FUL.[server_name] = DIF.[server_name]
AND FUL.[database_name] = DIF.[database_name]
AND FUL.[backup_set_uuid] = DIF.[differential_base_guid]
WHERE DIF.[backup_type] = 'Differential'
AND DIF.[backup_finish_date] > FUL.[backup_finish_date]
, cte_Backup_Log
FROM cte_Backup AL
INNER JOIN cte_Backup_Differential DIF
ON DIF.[server_name] = AL.[server_name]
AND DIF.[database_name] = AL.[database_name]
AND DIF.[database_backup_lsn] = AL.[database_backup_lsn]
AND AL.[backup_type] = 'Log'
AND AL.[backup_finish_date] > DIF.[backup_finish_date]
, cte_Backup_Chain
SELECT [server_name]
, [database_name]
, [backup_start_date]
, [backup_finish_date]
, [backup_type]
, [Backup_size_MB]
, [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, [Duration_Seconds]
, [database_creation_date]
, [recovery_model]
, [physical_device_name]
, [user_name]
, [backup_type_sort_order]
FROM cte_Backup_Full
SELECT [server_name]
, [database_name]
, [backup_start_date]
, [backup_finish_date]
, [backup_type]
, [Backup_size_MB]
, [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, [Duration_Seconds]
, [database_creation_date]
, [recovery_model]
, [physical_device_name]
, [user_name]
, [backup_type_sort_order]
FROM cte_Backup_Differential
WHERE [RowID] = 1
SELECT [server_name]
, [database_name]
, [backup_start_date]
, [backup_finish_date]
, [backup_type]
, [Backup_size_MB]
, [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, [Duration_Seconds]
, [database_creation_date]
, [recovery_model]
, [physical_device_name]
, [user_name]
, [backup_type_sort_order]
FROM cte_Backup_Log
, cte_Backup_Full_All_DB
SELECT [server_name]
, 'ALL_FULL' AS [database_name]
, NULL AS [backup_start_date]
, NULL AS [backup_finish_date]
, NULL AS [backup_type]
, SUM([Backup_size_MB]) AS [Backup_size_MB]
, SUM([Compressed_Backup_size_MB]) AS [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, SUM([Duration_Seconds]) AS [Duration_Seconds]
, NULL AS [database_creation_date]
, NULL AS [recovery_model]
, NULL AS [physical_device_name]
, NULL AS [user_name]
, 0 AS [backup_type_sort_order]
FROM cte_Backup_Chain
WHERE [backup_type] = 'Full'
GROUP BY [server_name]
, cte_Backup_Differential_All_DB
SELECT [server_name]
, 'ALL_DIFF' AS [database_name]
, NULL AS [backup_start_date]
, NULL AS [backup_finish_date]
, NULL AS [backup_type]
, SUM([Backup_size_MB]) AS [Backup_size_MB]
, SUM([Compressed_Backup_size_MB]) AS [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, SUM([Duration_Seconds]) AS [Duration_Seconds]
, NULL AS [database_creation_date]
, NULL AS [recovery_model]
, NULL AS [physical_device_name]
, NULL AS [user_name]
, 0 AS [backup_type_sort_order]
FROM cte_Backup_Chain
WHERE [backup_type] = 'Differential'
GROUP BY [server_name]
, cte_Backup_Log_All_DB
SELECT [server_name]
, 'ALL_LOG' AS [database_name]
, NULL AS [backup_start_date]
, NULL AS [backup_finish_date]
, NULL AS [backup_type]
, SUM([Backup_size_MB]) AS [Backup_size_MB]
, SUM([Compressed_Backup_size_MB]) AS [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, SUM([Duration_Seconds]) AS [Duration_Seconds]
, NULL AS [database_creation_date]
, NULL AS [recovery_model]
, NULL AS [physical_device_name]
, NULL AS [user_name]
, 0 AS [backup_type_sort_order]
FROM cte_Backup_Chain
WHERE [backup_type] = 'Log'
GROUP BY [server_name]
, cte_Backup_Full_Differential_Log_All_DB
SELECT [server_name]
, 'FULL+DIFF+LOG' AS [database_name]
, NULL AS [backup_start_date]
, NULL AS [backup_finish_date]
, NULL AS [backup_type]
, SUM([Backup_size_MB]) AS [Backup_size_MB]
, SUM([Compressed_Backup_size_MB]) AS [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, SUM([Duration_Seconds]) AS [Duration_Seconds]
, NULL AS [database_creation_date]
, NULL AS [recovery_model]
, NULL AS [physical_device_name]
, NULL AS [user_name]
, 0 AS [backup_type_sort_order]
FROM cte_Backup_Chain
GROUP BY [server_name]
, cte_Final_Output_Staging
SELECT [server_name]
, [database_name]
, [backup_start_date]
, [backup_finish_date]
, [backup_type]
, [Backup_size_MB]
, [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, [Duration_Seconds]
, [database_creation_date]
, [recovery_model]
, [physical_device_name]
, [user_name]
, [backup_type_sort_order]
, 1 AS [sort_priority]
FROM cte_Backup_Full_All_DB
SELECT [server_name]
, [database_name]
, [backup_start_date]
, [backup_finish_date]
, [backup_type]
, [Backup_size_MB]
, [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, [Duration_Seconds]
, [database_creation_date]
, [recovery_model]
, [physical_device_name]
, [user_name]
, [backup_type_sort_order]
, 2 AS [sort_priority]
FROM cte_Backup_Differential_All_DB
SELECT [server_name]
, [database_name]
, [backup_start_date]
, [backup_finish_date]
, [backup_type]
, [Backup_size_MB]
, [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, [Duration_Seconds]
, [database_creation_date]
, [recovery_model]
, [physical_device_name]
, [user_name]
, [backup_type_sort_order]
, 3 AS [sort_priority]
FROM cte_Backup_Log_All_DB
SELECT [server_name]
, [database_name]
, [backup_start_date]
, [backup_finish_date]
, [backup_type]
, [Backup_size_MB]
, [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, [Duration_Seconds]
, [database_creation_date]
, [recovery_model]
, [physical_device_name]
, [user_name]
, [backup_type_sort_order]
, 4 AS [sort_priority]
FROM cte_Backup_Full_Differential_Log_All_DB
SELECT [server_name]
, [database_name]
, [backup_start_date]
, [backup_finish_date]
, [backup_type]
, [Backup_size_MB]
, [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, [Duration_Seconds]
, [database_creation_date]
, [recovery_model]
, [physical_device_name]
, [user_name]
, [backup_type_sort_order]
, (4 + [backup_type_sort_order]) AS [sort_priority]
FROM cte_Backup_Chain

SELECT [server_name]
, [database_name]
, [backup_start_date]
, [backup_finish_date]
, [backup_type]
, [Backup_size_MB]
, [Compressed_Backup_size_MB]
, [Duration_Seconds]
, [database_creation_date]
, [recovery_model]
, [physical_device_name]
, [user_name]
FROM cte_Final_Output_Staging
ORDER BY ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [sort_priority] ASC, [database_name] ASC, [backup_type_sort_order] ASC, [backup_finish_date] ASC)

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