Measure does not display in SSRS for a role

  • Using SSAS & SSRS 2005.

    I defined a role for a cube with 'process database' and 'read definition' permissions checked on the 'general' tab. This role has read access to the data source, cube and dimensions. On the 'cell data' tab the 'enable read permissions', enable 'read-contingent permissions' and 'enable read/write permissions' checkboxes are checked. On the 'dimensions data' tab the two measures I have for the measures dimension are checked.

    When I create a report in SSRS using the cube, only the dimension data display. The measure dimension (or fact) data will not display.

    Does anyone have any idea why?


  • Are you using Perspectives?

    Rick Todd

  • Thanks, Rick.

    I forgot to mention that I'm using SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition, which does not support perspectives.

  • Hi Patrick,

    I'm facing the same problem. May I know if you got an answer already?



  • Can other roles see the measure, or no one can see the measure?

    Rick Todd

  • Thanks, Rick.

    I have two roles. One for myself as the administrator and a second role for the users. Right now I am just testing the cube and roles with a test account that is assigned to the user role. When I open a SSRS report while logged in with the test account, then I see just the dimension data and no fact data. After giving full control to the user role, then the test account can see the fact data.

  • Since I don't know that much about this problem in specific, let me give you a couple of thoughts:

    1. It might be worth checking to see if it works within SSMS when you browse the cube as that user/role, which you can do very easily through the impersonation button at the top left.

    2. Is one of the dimensions you're restricting keeping any fact data from being possible? That's the main frustration I've had with Dimension security. Personally I wish there was a way to just not show a particular dimension at all, but treat everything else the same way.

    HTH, and I'll take a look at this more when I get into the office. We consume all of our SSAS stuff through Excel, so I'm not sure how different it is in SSRS.

    Rick Todd

  • Thanks, Rick.

    SSAS is new to me. That said, I don't think I'm restricting any dimension. I've given read access to all dimensions to the user role.

    I'll look into permissions in SSMS.

  • Ahh, I see. It's basically the only role, so you can give users that aren't admins privileges to use the cube. Did you give them permissions to any and all data sources in the cube?

    Rick Todd

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