triggers on update and multiple rows update

  • I'm new to triggers, i successfully made a new trigger that fires upon the change of a column value. On updating multiple rows in a new query using an update statement the trigger is fired only once, i tried to solve it using cursor on the 'inserted' table retrieved by the trigger, but i feel it so complicated, is there any other way to acheive this ??

  • Smartdog (11/9/2008)

    I'm new to triggers, i successfully made a new trigger that fires upon the change of a column value. On updating multiple rows in a new query using an update statement the trigger is fired only once, i tried to solve it using cursor on the 'inserted' table retrieved by the trigger, but i feel it so complicated, is there any other way to acheive this ??

    In the vast majority of the cases, you can write a trigger that will work with multiple rows without the need of cursor. I'm sure that we'll be able to show you how to modify the trigger if you'll post the table's DDL and the trigger's definition.

    Also pleas take a look at It will only help you getting faster and better answers for your questions.


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  • the table code:

    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Memo_Tasks] Script Date: 11/09/2008 14:49:47 ******/





    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Memo_Tasks](

    [task_no] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [memo_code] [nvarchar](10) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [memo_title] [nvarchar](100) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [emp_code_sender] [nvarchar](12) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [emp_code_rec] [nvarchar](12) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [task_start_date] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [task_end_date] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [task_actual_date] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [importance_code] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [task_code_finsh] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [task] [nvarchar](4000) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [task_percent] [tinyint] NULL,

    [task_notce] [nvarchar](4000) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [kind] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [memo_code_in_id] [int] NULL,

    [tyear] [nvarchar](4) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [subject_class] [smallint] NULL,

    [activity] [int] NULL,

    [memo_attach] [nvarchar](4000) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [ret] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [met_no] [int] NULL,

    [min_no] [nvarchar](2) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [sector_no] [nvarchar](2) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [cen_dep] [nvarchar](2) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [gen_dep] [nvarchar](2) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [dep] [nvarchar](2) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [emp_unit] [nvarchar](12) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [min_task] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [upload_met] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [met_place] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [Note_Tasks] [tinyint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Memo_Tasks_Note_Tasks] DEFAULT ((0)),

    [Contact_ID] [int] NULL,

    [out_side_ministry] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Memo_Tasks_out_side_ministry] DEFAULT ((0)),

    [reader_code] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Memo_Tasks_reader_code] DEFAULT ((0)),



    [task_no] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    the trigger code:

    /****** Object: Trigger [OnFinishTask] Script Date: 11/09/2008 14:50:56 ******/





    CREATE TRIGGER [OnFinishTask]

    ON [dbo].[Memo_Tasks]

    AFTER Update




    if update(task_code_finsh)


    declare @cursor cursor

    declare @EmpCode nvarchar(12)

    declare @EndDate smalldatetime

    set @cursor=cursor for select emp_code_rec,task_end_date from inserted

    open @cursor

    fetch next from @cursor into @EmpCode,@EndDate

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    UPDATE summary

    SET FinishedTasks = FinishedTasks + 1,LateTasks=LateTasks-1

    WHERE summary.empcode = @empcode and @EndDate<CAST(FLOOR( CAST( GETDATE() AS FLOAT ) )AS DATETIME)

    UPDATE summary

    SET FinishedTasks = FinishedTasks + 1,CurrentTasks=CurrentTasks-1

    WHERE summary.empcode = @empcode and not( @EndDate<CAST(FLOOR( CAST( GETDATE() AS FLOAT ) )AS DATETIME))

    fetch next from @cursor into @EmpCode,@EndDate




    this is my solution, and sorry um new to this website so i don't know whether um giving enough info or not, plz be patient with me ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Smartdog (11/9/2008)

    the table code:

    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Memo_Tasks] Script Date: 11/09/2008 14:49:47 ******/





    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Memo_Tasks](

    [task_no] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [memo_code] [nvarchar](10) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [memo_title] [nvarchar](100) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [emp_code_sender] [nvarchar](12) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [emp_code_rec] [nvarchar](12) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [task_start_date] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [task_end_date] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [task_actual_date] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [importance_code] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [task_code_finsh] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [task] [nvarchar](4000) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [task_percent] [tinyint] NULL,

    [task_notce] [nvarchar](4000) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [kind] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [memo_code_in_id] [int] NULL,

    [tyear] [nvarchar](4) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [subject_class] [smallint] NULL,

    [activity] [int] NULL,

    [memo_attach] [nvarchar](4000) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [ret] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [met_no] [int] NULL,

    [min_no] [nvarchar](2) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [sector_no] [nvarchar](2) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [cen_dep] [nvarchar](2) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [gen_dep] [nvarchar](2) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [dep] [nvarchar](2) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [emp_unit] [nvarchar](12) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [min_task] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [upload_met] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [met_place] [nvarchar](1) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [Note_Tasks] [tinyint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Memo_Tasks_Note_Tasks] DEFAULT ((0)),

    [Contact_ID] [int] NULL,

    [out_side_ministry] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Memo_Tasks_out_side_ministry] DEFAULT ((0)),

    [reader_code] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Memo_Tasks_reader_code] DEFAULT ((0)),



    [task_no] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    the trigger code:

    /****** Object: Trigger [OnFinishTask] Script Date: 11/09/2008 14:50:56 ******/





    CREATE TRIGGER [OnFinishTask]

    ON [dbo].[Memo_Tasks]

    AFTER Update




    if update(task_code_finsh)


    declare @cursor cursor

    declare @EmpCode nvarchar(12)

    declare @EndDate smalldatetime

    set @cursor=cursor for select emp_code_rec,task_end_date from inserted

    open @cursor

    fetch next from @cursor into @EmpCode,@EndDate

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    UPDATE summary

    SET FinishedTasks = FinishedTasks + 1,LateTasks=LateTasks-1

    WHERE summary.empcode = @empcode and @EndDate<CAST(FLOOR( CAST( GETDATE() AS FLOAT ) )AS DATETIME)

    UPDATE summary

    SET FinishedTasks = FinishedTasks + 1,CurrentTasks=CurrentTasks-1

    WHERE summary.empcode = @empcode and not( @EndDate<CAST(FLOOR( CAST( GETDATE() AS FLOAT ) )AS DATETIME))

    fetch next from @cursor into @EmpCode,@EndDate




    this is my solution, and sorry um new to this website so i don't know whether um giving enough info or not, plz be patient with me ๐Ÿ™‚

    You can modify the trigger so it will include only one update statement with no cursor at all. Here is my version of your trigger (notice it is untested so you should test it!):

    CREATE TRIGGER [OnFinishTask]

    ON [dbo].[Memo_Tasks]

    AFTER Update




    if update(task_code_finsh)


    update summery

    set FinisedTasks = FinishedTaskes + 1,

    LateTasks = case when i.EndDate <CAST(FLOOR( CAST( GETDATE() AS FLOAT ) )AS DATETIME) then LateTasks - 1

    else LateTasks end,

    CurrentTasks = case when i.EndDate >= CAST(FLOOR( CAST( GETDATE() AS FLOAT ) )AS DATETIME)then CurrentTasks -1

    else CurrentTasks end

    from summery inner join inserted i on s.empcode = i.empcode

    End --if update


    In the trigger I'm using update statement with a join to inserted view. This is why we don't need to cursor. The case statements make sure that each time I'll update the column that I need to update (or at least this is what I think:-)).

    As for the information that you gave - this was the exact information that was needed:-).


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  • Thx for the great way of 'case when else' but my problem was in the fact that this trigger fires only once when the update statement is called, so let the query:

    update memo_tasks set task_code_finish = 1 where emp_code_rec = '0101'

    it's supposed to run the trigger by the number of records affected by the statement so as to reflect in the table summary:

    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Summary] Script Date: 11/09/2008 15:53:03 ******/





    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Summary](

    [EmpCode] [nchar](12) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AS NULL,

    [UnreadMemos] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Summary_UnreadMails] DEFAULT ((0)),

    [ReadMemos] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Summary_ReadMails] DEFAULT ((0)),

    [SentMemos] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Summary_SentMails] DEFAULT ((0)),

    [UnsentMemos] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Summary_UnsentMails] DEFAULT ((0)),

    [NewTasks] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Summary_NewTasks] DEFAULT ((0)),

    [LateTasks] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Summary_OldTasks] DEFAULT ((0)),

    [FinishedTasks] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Summary_FinishedTasks] DEFAULT ((0)),

    [CurrentTasks] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Summary_CurrentTasks] DEFAULT ((0)),

    [TodayTasks] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Summary_TodayTasks] DEFAULT ((0))

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    but in fact the trigger is fired only once !!!

    i read in a forum that a trigger is fired upon TABLE update not the record update, so all i want to know if the scope of the trigger is implrtant or not, and any suggested solution for my case,

    thx ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Notice that in the update statement I'm joining summery table to inserted views. This should make should update all the records in summery table, that were also updated in the original table.


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  • sorry you got me wrong

    um updating a record in a row in the table summary by adding the number of rows the been updated into the existing number

    let for the employee '0101' in summary table i have FinishedTasks = 12

    then after the update statment that affects 10 records in table memo_tasks the 12 should be 22

    and that would not happen except if the trigger is fired 10 times by the number of records updated, and that's why i used the cursor in order to call the code inside trigger for several times

  • Smartdog (11/9/2008)

    sorry you got me wrong

    um updating a record in a row in the table summary by adding the number of rows the been updated into the existing number

    let for the employee '0101' in summary table i have FinishedTasks = 12

    then after the update statment that affects 10 records in table memo_tasks the 12 should be 22

    and that would not happen except if the trigger is fired 10 times by the number of records updated, and that's why i used the cursor in order to call the code inside trigger for several times

    I hope that I understood you correctly this time. If I did, then there is a way to do it without a cursor. Can you check this version of the trigger (again notice that I didn't test it):

    CREATE TRIGGER [OnFinishTask]

    ON [dbo].[Memo_Tasks]

    AFTER Update




    if update(task_code_finsh)


    WITH CountTasks as (

    select CountOfFinishedTasks = sum(case when i.task_end_date <CAST(FLOOR(CAST(GETDATE() AS FLOAT))AS DATETIME)

    then 1 else 0 end),

    CountOfCurrentTasks = sum(case when i.task_end_date <CAST(FLOOR(CAST(GETDATE() AS FLOAT ))AS DATETIME)

    then 0 else 1 end),


    case when i.task_end_date <CAST(FLOOR(CAST(GETDATE()AS FLOAT))AS DATETIME) then 1 else 0 end as EndDateFlag

    from inserted i

    group by emp_code_rec,

    case when i.task_end_date <CAST(FLOOR( CAST( GETDATE() AS FLOAT ) )AS DATETIME) then 1 else 0 end)

    update summery

    set FinisedTasks = FinishedTaskes + CountOfCurrentTasks + CountOfFinishedTasks,

    LateTasks = case when EndDateFlag = 1 then LateTasks - CountOfFinishedTasks

    else LateTasks end,

    CurrentTasks = case when EndDateFlag = 0 then CurrentTasks - CountOfCurrentTasks

    else CurrentTasks end

    from summery inner join CountTasks i on s.emp_code_rec = i.emp_code_rec

    End --if update


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  • Thanks a lot for ur help, i thnk you got me right this time,

    i just have one question, what is difference between row trigger and tabl trigger, and what kind of triggers is that one ??

  • Smartdog (11/10/2008)

    Thanks a lot for ur help, i thnk you got me right this time,

    i just have one question, what is difference between row trigger and tabl trigger, and what kind of triggers is that one ??

    While I admit that Iโ€™m not completely sure about the terms row trigger and table trigger, I think I understand what you are talking about. With Oracle you can create a trigger that will fire for each row modification, so when you issue a single update statement that modified 20 rows, the trigger will fire 20 times and not just once. If no row was affected, the trigger will not run even once. My guess is that this is a row trigger. SQL Server doesnโ€™t have this kind of trigger. With SQL Server each statement fires the trigger exactly once regardless of the number of rows that was affected by the statement.


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  • Adi Cohn (11/10/2008)

    Smartdog (11/10/2008)

    Thanks a lot for ur help, i thnk you got me right this time,

    i just have one question, what is difference between row trigger and tabl trigger, and what kind of triggers is that one ??

    While I admit that Iโ€™m not completely sure about the terms row trigger and table trigger, I think I understand what you are talking about. With Oracle you can create a trigger that will fire for each row modification, so when you issue a single update statement that modified 20 rows, the trigger will fire 20 times and not just once. If no row was affected, the trigger will not run even once. My guess is that this is a row trigger. SQL Server doesnโ€™t have this kind of trigger. With SQL Server each statement fires the trigger exactly once regardless of the number of rows that was affected by the statement.


    Thx a lot Adi Cohn, enough info to Destroy my team leader ๐Ÿ˜€

  • hi,

    i had the same problem. sql server trigger does not affect all rows when i updated more than one row a time.

    what i do now is to run a job every 5 min (instead of the trigger) with a cursor, as you have already implemented.

    does the idea from adi work?

    good luck,



  • kuka_99 (11/10/2008)


    i had the same problem. sql server trigger does not affect all rows when i updated more than one row a time.

    what i do now is to run a job every 5 min (instead of the trigger) with a cursor, as you have already implemented.

    does the idea from adi work?

    good luck,


    hey kuka,

    i didn't try adi's method because i found out that it was not what i want,

    and the fact that the trigger run once per update statement (even if this update statement affects more rows) will cause the trigger to fire once, and my method was to use cursor on the 'inserted' table that i can use within the trigger, and this table contains all the records affected due to the update, so u can use ur cursor in the trigger instead of this job, and the trigger i posed by the beginin' of the thread shows how to use the cursor inside the trigger,

    good luck

  • Smartdog (11/10/2008)

    kuka_99 (11/10/2008)


    i had the same problem. sql server trigger does not affect all rows when i updated more than one row a time.

    what i do now is to run a job every 5 min (instead of the trigger) with a cursor, as you have already implemented.

    does the idea from adi work?

    good luck,


    hey kuka,

    i didn't try adi's method because i found out that it was not what i want,

    and the fact that the trigger run once per update statement (even if this update statement affects more rows) will cause the trigger to fire once, and my method was to use cursor on the 'inserted' table that i can use within the trigger, and this table contains all the records affected due to the update, so u can use ur cursor in the trigger instead of this job, and the trigger i posed by the beginin' of the thread shows how to use the cursor inside the trigger,

    good luck

    You do not need a cursor or a job to accomplish this task.

    The fact that the trigger is called only once, does not mean that you can not access all the data affected by a given query.

    It seems that you are not understanding how to properly use triggers.

    The following article explains how to create set-based triggers. I recommend reading it.

    Also, if you are using SQL Server 2005, the OUPUT operator may help you.

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