Conditionally display Group columns based on visibility detail columns

  • I have a report with the following format (simplied format):

    Fee Last First Receivable Fee Paid

    Description Name Name State Incurred Date Date Amount

    This is the summary line:

    +Late Return Payment $605.00


    Grand Totals: $605.00


    When fee description (Late Return Payment) is expanded

    the detail lines display

    Smith John MD 10/1/2008 10/5/2008 $100.00

    Brown Mary PA 10/2/2008 10/6/2008 $250.00, ...

    Is there any way to hide the top level line based on whether the detail line has been expanded? The visibility of my detail line is set to to be hidden based on the toggle item of the textbox above (the Fee Description Group textbox), but I can't seem to find a way to conditionally hide the columns in the table row above based on whether the detail line has been expanded (toggled).

  • I typically move that header row to a second line on the group and, I believe, you could toggle it the same way you toggle the detail rows.

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