MS ACCESS sql problem

  • Cannot run below statement using MS Access sql design. Need help, the correct syntax.

    create table Subject (

    id CHAR(8) CONSTRAINT ValidClassID

    CHECK (id LIKE 'COMP%'),

    name VARCHAR(30),

    PRIMARY KEY (id)

    create table Class (

    subject CHAR(8),

    meetsAt VARCHAR(15),

    room VARCHAR(15),

    teacher NUMBER(6),

    PRIMARY KEY (subject,meetsAt),

    FOREIGN KEY (teacher) REFERENCES Faculty(staff#),

    FOREIGN KEY (subject) REFERENCES Subject(id)

  • Here's a Subroutine that will create your 2 tables, the primary keys, and foreign key relationships. I don't see how you can add the Validation Rule in the Create Table statement - but you can certainly add it with some DAO logic once the tables are created. I'll take a look at that logic shortly.


    Sub makeTables()

    Dim strSQL As String

    strSQL = "Create Table Subject2(id text(8) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ,name text(30))"

    DoCmd.RunSQL (strSQL)

    strSQL = "create table Class (subject text(8),meetsAt text(15),room text(15),teacher integer,"

    strSQL = strSQL & " PRIMARY KEY (subject,meetsAt)"

    strSQL = strSQL & ",CONSTRAINT TeacherFK FOREIGN KEY (teacher) REFERENCES Faculty(staffID)"

    strSQL = strSQL & ",CONSTRAINT FKSubject FOREIGN KEY (subject) REFERENCES Subject(id)"

    strSQL = strSQL & ")"

    'Debug.Print strSQL

    DoCmd.RunSQL (strSQL)

    End Sub

    [font="Tahoma"]Eric Flamm, Flamm Consulting[/font]

  • Here's the VBA to add the validation rule (with a little help from MSDN)


    Sub addValidationRule()

    Dim strTblName As String, strFldName As String

    Dim strValidRule As String

    Dim strValidText As String, intX As Integer

    strTblName = "Subject2"

    strFldName = "id"

    strValidRule = "like 'comp*'"

    strValidText = "id is 8 characters or less, starting with comp"

    intX = SetFieldValidation(strTblName, strFldName, strValidRule, strValidText)

    End Sub

    Function SetFieldValidation(strTblName As String, _

    strFldName As String, strValidRule As String, _

    strValidText As String) As Integer

    'Courtesy of MSDN (

    Dim dbs As Database, tdf As TableDef, fld As Field

    Set dbs = CurrentDb

    Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs(strTblName)

    Set fld = tdf.Fields(strFldName)

    fld.ValidationRule = strValidRule

    fld.ValidationText = strValidText

    End Function

    [font="Tahoma"]Eric Flamm, Flamm Consulting[/font]

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