Unable to load client print control

  • In SQL Server 2008 it appears again this problem but the solutions used for SQL 2005 are not working.

    With admin privileges after installing that ActiveX control every time I want to print a report it's installing it again.

    Even with regsvr32 RSClientPrint.dll it;s not working.

    What is changed in 2008 ?


  • I'm having same issue but with SQL Server 2005 and ReportViewer control from Visual Studio 2008

  • No fix to this yet? I have customers that can not print there reports and I removed the security updates on my webserver and sql server but it still does not work. any help would be appreciated...



  • 4) Install the service packed, hotfixed version of the ReportViewer 2005 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=82833f27-081d-4b72-83ef-2836360a904d&DisplayLang=en)

    Note to Step 4, you may need the ReportViewer 2005 SP1 and/or ReportViewer 2008 SP1 hotfix depending . I applied the Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2005 Service Pack 1 yesterday and today discovered an "Unable to load client print control" error on a recently deplyed 2008/.net 3.5 site while an older .Net 2.0 report viewer running correctly. Applying both patches fixed all print popup issues.

    4a) Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2005 Service Pack 1

    verify version by checking the source html of a test report and see if it contains

    "/Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd" and "Version=8.0.XXXXX"


    4b) Microsoft Report Viewer 2008 SP1 Redistributable

    verify version by checking the source html of a test report and see if it contains

    "Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd?" and "Version=9.0.XXXXX"


    5) restart IIS (iisreset) or server

    This will fix the issue

  • 4

    a) Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2005 Service Pack 1

    Hi We also have the same problem.

    Do we need to install "Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2005 Service Pack 1" on the server where Reporting Services has installed? OR

    On Each individual user machine OR

    SQL Server 2005 Server where database engine has installed OR

    SQL Server 2005 Server where Reporting Services has installed?

    We have Server A for Database engine and a separate server called Server B for Reporting Services

    The ReportServer & ReportServerTempDb are in Sevrer A..

    Please advice

  • Hi there:

    We have an ASP.NET 3.5 application built using the ReportViewer 2008. Our web app is in a web server A and the reportServer is in the DataBase Server B. Our reports can be perfectly generated but when any user tries to print any report from our web-app they get the "Unable to load client print control" message, but if the same user goes to the reportserver, browses and generates the same report it can be printed. It seems like there is something missing in the web-app to be able to print the report, any ideas?

    Thanks for any help.

  • Same issue as jportelas. No luck.

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