SP and using varchar(50) as part of the where clause (Incorrect syntax near '+'.)

  • Can someone please explain to me where my problem lies in the following statements. I am struggeling to get to the stage where i can execute the thing...:w00t:

    use adventureWorks


    --When trying to create this procedure it give the following error


    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_Test, Line 5

    Incorrect syntax near '+'.


    Create procedure sp_Test @Wherestring VARCHAR(50)


    SELECT *

    FROM Person.Address where AddressLine2 is null + @WhereString + ''


    sp_Test ' and city = ''Bothell'''

    Why do people point to their wrists when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?

  • u hv to use dynamic queries for this.

    Declare @sql varchar(1000)

    SET @sql = 'SELECT *

    FROM Person.Address where AddressLine2 ' + @WhereString

    exec (@sql).

    Its not clear why you are using is null. To check whether a column contains null value use "select * from table1 where col1 is null". For replacing/comparison null with some value use "ISNULL(col1,'aaa') = 'aaa' ".This will replace null values with the value 'aaa'.

    "Keep Trying"

  • Thank you very much. This indeed worked.

    Why does it now not work when i use it in a cursor that is in a SP?

    The cursor that follows has 3 parameters

    when i use the @dateFrom and @dateto Parameters only then the query work

    but as soon as i use ... + @Wherestring + and ... then it gives me an error

    saying "Incorrect syntax near '+'." and as soon as i declare @SQL and use that as a dynamic

    it gives me another error


    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Set'.

    Here is the code...

    Create Procedure SP_GasconP2 @DateFrom varchar(50), @dateTo varchar(50), @Wherestring varchar(500)


    --Declare Variables

    declare @IDNo varchar(50)

    declare @ZoneIN varchar(50)

    declare @SQL as varchar (2000)

    --declare @DateFrom varchar(50)

    --declare @DateTo varchar(50)

    Declare GasconCur Cursor Static


    --Select StateMent goes here

    /* Alternative way using the @SQL

    --This give the error

    Set @SQL = 'Select P.ID_no ,zv.ZoneIn from ZonesVisited zv

    Join Positions P on zv.PositionID = p.ID

    Join Individuals I on I.ID_no = P.ID_no


    zv.zoneout is null and

    (Convert(DateTime,[zonein],103) > convert(dateTime,@DateFrom,103)) and

    (Convert(DateTime,[zonein],103) < convert(dateTime,@DateTo,103))'

    --Group by P.ID_no

    exec @SQL


    Select P.ID_no ,zv.ZoneIn from ZonesVisited zv

    Join Positions P on zv.PositionID = p.ID

    Join Individuals I on I.ID_no = P.ID_no


    zv.zoneout is null + @WhereString + and

    (Convert(DateTime,[zonein],103) > convert(dateTime,@DateFrom,103)) and

    (Convert(DateTime,[zonein],103) < convert(dateTime,@DateTo,103))

    --Group by P.ID_no

    Open GasconCur

    Fetch from GasconCur

    Into @IDno, @ZoneIN

    while @@Fetch_Status = 0


    insert into [11SpecialTbl]

    Select top 1 I.[First_Name],I.Surname, I.Employeeno,P.Shift,@ZoneIN as ZoneIn,P.ID,P.[Clock in],[Clock out],max(zonein),

    act.[Activity type],act.[Activity Start], act.[activity stop],act.Job,c.Description

    from ZonesVisited zv

    join Positions P on zv.PositionID = P.ID

    Join Individuals I on I.ID_no = P.ID_no

    Join Activity act on act.[Position ID] = P.ID

    Join Cards c on c.[Card No] = Act.Job

    where Convert(dateTime,[Clock in],103) >=

    convert(dateTime,@ZoneIN,103) and

    act.[Activity Type] <> 'BREAK' and

    zv.zoneOUt is not null

    and P.ID_no = @IDNo

    and convert(datetime,P.[Clock in],103) >= Convert(dateTime,@zonein,103) and Convert(dateTIme,P.[Clock out],103) <= convert(dateTime,@dateTo,103)

    group by [Clock in],[clock out],P.id,I.[First_Name],I.Surname, P.Shift,I.Employeeno,act.[Activity type],act.[Activity Start],

    act.[activity stop],act.job,c.description

    order by COnvert(datetIME,[cLOCK IN],103)

    Fetch from GasconCur

    into @idNo,@zoneIN


    close GasconCur

    deallocate GasconCur

    Why do people point to their wrists when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?

  • what are u passing to @WhereString ?

    "Why do people point to their wrists when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is? "

    Very funny but not in very good taste i believe..;)

    "Keep Trying"

  • Try this:

    Set @SQL = 'Select P.ID_no ,zv.ZoneIn from ZonesVisited zv

    Join Positions P on zv.PositionID = p.ID

    Join Individuals I on I.ID_no = P.ID_no


    zv.zoneout is null and

    (Convert(DateTime,[zonein],103) > convert(dateTime,' + @DateFrom + ',103)) and

    (Convert(DateTime,[zonein],103) < convert(dateTime,' + @DateTo +',103))'

    You need to have the @dateto/from values outside the quotes, or the text will be considered part of the dynamic query you are building

  • Jip i know the @date must be outside the '.

    @wherestring = ' and company = ''Ntiro'' '

    I hope that you can help me after this post 😉

    Why do people point to their wrists when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?

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