Recover single field from single table in copy of database using UPDATE...SET

  • I messed up and wiped out a field in one of our tables in our production database.

    I do have a copy of that database that I can access, though, so my question is how do I read the value of that field in the copy and put it back in the live database?

    I know that I need some kind of UPDATE ... SET statement, but I'm not sure how I incorporate two separate databases within it?

  • Did you wipe out the value in that column for the whole table or just one row?



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • The whole table

  • So, there are a couple of ways to do this but first of all, you need to be careful, especially being that you are dealing with production data.

    Option 1 is to create a linked server and update the production table from the copy that you have.

    Option 2 is to copy the table into the production database using the "import data" task in SQL Server Management Studio. Right click on the production database > Tasks > Import data. In this wizard you will have to point to the source server (this is the server that has a copy of the table that you have the good data in. Your destination server should auto populate as your production server as this is where you started the import. You will have to choose the table, then you will have to choose a destination table. PLEASE NAME IT DIFFERENT FROM THE PRODUCTION TABLE OR YOU WILL POTENTIALLY MESS THINGS UP WORSE. Finish the import wizard and let the data copy. When complete you will need to execute the update statement.

    Please check this carefully so that you are not updating other data. You may want to export a copy of the production table as a backup somewhere else prior to running the update just in case. Sorry, I like backups.

    Here is a sample update script that you should be able to use to get you going. Again, please check.

    update ProdTable

    set NowEmptyColumn = np.NotEmptyColumn


    ProdTable pt join NotProdTable np

    on pt.primary_id = np.primary_id --This is critical so, you need to know what to join on

    Hope this helps.



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Assuming both databases are on the same server, but with different names, and the table has the same name in both copies, it will look something like this:

    update table

    set column = copy.column

    from database1.dbo.table

    inner join database2.dbo.table copy

    on =

    In this, database1 is the one you want to update, database2 is the one to update from.

    If the two databases are on separate servers, you'll need to add the second server as a linked server to the main server. Then you'll use that server's name in front of "database2". Like:

    update table

    set column = copy.column

    from database.dbo.table

    inner join server2.database.dbo.table copy

    on =

    In this case, I'm assuming both copies of the database have the same name, so took the "1" and "2" off of that part, and added "server2" as the server with the good copy of the table.

    If the table is at all large, you may want to move the databases to the same server and use the first solution above, because large updates across servers can be very, very slow.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • DavidB and GSquared:

    Both my production database and its copy are on the same server, under the same instance of SQL Server, so the scripts you both provided for that purpose were what I needed.

    I ran such a script and was able to fix my previous mistake, thanks for your help!


  • Thanks for the update. I was wondering how things went for you and the follow up is appreciated.



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • From now on, when doing data manipulation on a production server, I would recommend placing the action queries in a transaction with a select statement checking the data. Only if the data looks good do you commit it!



    UPDATE statement(s)

    SELECT Changed Data

    -- Rollback if not right

    -- Commit if correct

    This will save you hours of cleaning up after yourself!

    Gary Johnson
    Sr Database Engineer

  • Gary,

    That is of course a very good point, and I will keep it in mind from now on...

    Actually, what I meant to do at first, which would have avoided the problem I had in the first place, but I had another one of my too-frequent senior moments :blink:, was to try out my changes in a copy of the live database before working on the latter.


    Thanks for your input!

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