SQL Server 2005 Login Permissions

  • Hi,

    I have been having this problem that relates to failure to login with the following details:

    Error 18456, Severity: 14; State: 16.

    Login failed for user 'joa'. [CLIENT: ... . ... . ... . ...]

    Please, I would be grateful if anyone can provide a solution.


  • I think "State: 16" means the login's default database isn't available, either because it doesn't exist or the login doesn't have permissions to connect to it.


  • Thats correct. I have tried to change permissions using the alter command, but that seem not to work. do you have any idea on how to get around this pls?


  • I'm not sure. Run this:

    EXEC sp_helplogins 'joa'

    The database name returned as 'DefDBName' is the default database for the login. Make sure the login has a user in that database.


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