need script to check permission on objects

  • Hey all,

    I need a script/pointers to generate the permission (execute etc) on SPs/Views.

    (I know how to check it via Management studio)

    Any help!!



  • check sys.database_permissions.

    A good trick if you know how to do something with SSMS is to run a profiler trace of your own SSMS spid and you will capture the resulting sql that SSMS executes.

    If you have any questions about how to use it, let me know.

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  • You can use the following script to extract all user object permission in a database.

    select,'.', b.permission_name, b.state_desc, c.type from sys.database_principals a join

    sys.database_permissions b on a.principal_id=b.grantee_principal_id join

    sys.objects c on b.major_id=c.object_id join

    sys.schemas d on c.schema_id=d.schema_id

    where c.type <>'s'

  • Thankx for your response.

    Let me tell you my scenario.

    I want to modify a Stored Procedure. I am not allowed to use ALTER. I have to DROP and CREATE the SPs. For this purpose i have to generate the permissions on the original SP so that i can recreate the permissions on the modified SP.

    How to do this using SQL script?


  • You have all the pieces you need in the script provided by Ki Chiang. Instead of individual columns in the select, add them together as a string to create your grant/deny statements.

    select ''+b.state_desc +' '+b.permission_name+' on ''.'' to ''' collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

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  • Here is the modified script for your purpose. (type S= system and type P= store procedure)

    select state_desc+' '+b.permission_name+' on ''.'' to ['']' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT

    from sys.database_principals a join

    sys.database_permissions b on a.principal_id=b.grantee_principal_id join

    sys.objects c on b.major_id=c.object_id join

    sys.schemas d on c.schema_id=d.schema_id

    where c.type <>'s' and c.type='p'

  • thanks people.... i got it what i was looking for... above two scripts are fine...


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