Creating a Copy of Production to a Test Database

  • Hi All

    I am running sql server 2005 and need to create a copy of our production database for a test environment on the same server

    I am looking to find the best way to do this. I have read that some suggest backing up production and restoring (copy only) to an empty test db. I have also read that scripting out production and running on test.

    Please include as many details as possible. I am kinda nervous because I do not want to mess up the server.

    Thanks so much for your help


  • Define "copy":

    if that is the same objects without content, just script out your full db ( rightclick in your object browser hovering over the dbname, choose "all tasks" select generate sqlscript and off you go

    Run that script in your dev db.

    If you also need the data, restoring your prod db to a new name for the dev db is the best way.

    Keep in mind with this setup, your test db may push out your prod db !!!

    Take very good care of security !!!


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  • The only issue(s) I can come up with on the backup/restore method is

    1. You will need to modify the file name on the new database otherwise SQL will tell you the database already exists.

    2. Make sure you give limited access to only those users that must have access. It can be very easy for an every day user to select the wrong database, make massive entries or changes and then realize they were in the wrong db.

    Chris Powell

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    Elroy: Nope.
    George: Then lie to me and say you're kidding.

  • I am having a problem when I run the script on the new database. I get several errors that I do not have permissions to create several tables. When I script the table out by itself, everything works fine.

  • - Are there any database references in your script ?

    If so, did you modify those to point to your intended database ?

    - what kind of script objects does the script have ?

    - which authority set do you think you have when you're runing the script

    If you want you can post the script (attachement please) and we'll have a look.


    Learn to play, play to learn !

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  • I think this is being made to look more complicated than it is...

    Create a blank test database - a suggestion would be to not call it production_nameTest as they will be easily mistakable.

    Backup your production database,

    Restore the TEST database with replace & Move.

    If its the same server then Fix up the users

    -- fix Users

    set nocount on

    declare @v_dbuser varchar(255)

    declare @sql nvarchar(255)

    declare c1 cursor for

    select from sysusers a, master..syslogins b

    where =

    open c1

    fetch c1 into @v_dbuser

    while (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)


    print 'Fixing User ' + @v_dbuser

    set @sql = 'sp_change_users_login ''auto_fix'',' + @v_dbuser

    exec sp_executesql @sql

    fetch c1 into @v_dbuser


    CLOSE C1


    If you need help with code then post up your DB names and locations of where you want files to go

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