date time diff

  • i want the date differece to be showed as

    05 days, 04 months, 04 year and my code is

    declare @d datetime

    declare @m datetime

    declare @y datetime

    declare @result varchar(50)

    set @d= datediff(dd,'01/01/2010','01/03/2010')

    set @m=datediff(mm,'01/01/2010','01/03/2010')

    set @y=datediff(yy,'01/01/2010','01/03/2010')

    set @result=convert(varchar,@d,102)+''+'days' + ','+ convert(varchar,@m)+''+ 'months'+','+ convert(varchar,@y) +''+'years'

    print @result

    i m getting result in :

    1900.01.03days,Jan 1 1900 12:00AMmonths,Jan 1 19 format ..

    I want in 05 days, 04 months, 04 year

  • DATEDIFF returns and integer, but you've declared the variables you return the results of the function to as DATETIME. These integer values are then getting implicitly converted to a datetime, which is where it's going wrong

  • here's an example that chops up the peices for you to concatenate:



    Years Months Days Hours Minutes Seconds Milliseconds

    -1 0 2 3 30 11 447


    select [Years ] = datediff(year,0,ET-ST)-1,

    [Months] = datepart(month,ET-ST)-1,

    [Days] = datepart(day,ET-ST)-1,

    [Hours] = datepart(Hour,ET-ST),

    [Minutes] = datepart(Minute,ET-ST),

    [Seconds] = datepart(Second,ET-ST),

    [Milliseconds] = datepart(millisecond,ET-ST)



    select -- Test Data

    ST = convert(datetime,'01/01/2010 00:35:33.997'),

    ET = convert(datetime,'01/03/2010 04:05:45.443')

    ) a


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  • Check variables type

    declare @d int /*datetime*/ --<<-- datetime wrong variable type

    declare @m int /*datetime*/

    declare @y int /*datetime*/

    declare @result varchar(50)

    set @d= datediff(dd,'01/01/2010','01/03/2010')

    set @m=datediff(mm,'01/01/2010','01/03/2010')

    set @y=datediff(yy,'01/01/2010','01/03/2010')

    set @result=right('00'+convert(varchar,@d,102),2) + '' +'days'

    + ','+ right('00'+convert(varchar,@m),2) + '' + 'months'

    + ','+ right('00'+convert(varchar,@y),2) + '' + 'years'

    print @result

  • When 50 months have passed, do you want to see:

    50 months, 04 years


    02 months, 04 years


    declare @startdate datetime

    declare @enddate datetime

    set @enddate = '29-Aug-2015'

    set @startdate = '11-Apr-2010'


    declare @years int

    declare @months int

    declare @days int

    declare @temp datetime

    set @years = datediff ( yy, @startdate, @enddate )

    set @temp = dateadd ( yy, @years, @startdate)

    set @months = datediff ( mm, @temp, @enddate )

    set @temp = dateadd ( mm, @months, @temp)

    set @days = datediff ( dd, @temp, @enddate )

    select right('00'+convert(varchar,@days ),2) + ' days, '

    + right('00'+convert(varchar,@months),2) + ' months, '

    + right('00'+convert(varchar,@years ),2) + ' years'

  • Let's try that again:

    create function dbo.


    @ENDDATE datetime )

    returns varchar(28)



    declare @years int

    declare @months int

    declare @days int

    declare @tempyears datetime

    declare @tempmonths datetime

    set @years = datediff ( yy, @startdate, @enddate )

    set @tempyears = dateadd ( yy, @years, @startdate)

    if @tempyears > @enddate


    set @years = @years - 1

    set @tempyears = dateadd ( yy, @years, @startdate)


    set @months = datediff ( mm, @tempyears, @enddate )

    set @tempmonths = dateadd ( mm, @months, @tempyears)

    if @tempmonths > @enddate


    set @months = @months - 1

    set @tempmonths = dateadd ( mm, @months, @tempyears)


    set @days = datediff ( dd, @tempmonths, @enddate )

    return right('00'+convert(varchar,@days ),2) + ' days, '

    + right('00'+convert(varchar,@months),2) + ' months, '

    + right('00'+convert(varchar,@years ),2) + ' years'


    declare @startdate datetime

    declare @enddate datetime

    set @startdate = '29-Aug-2010'

    set @enddate = '12-Feb-2015'

    select dbo.DATEDIFFYMD ( @startdate,

    @enddate ) as DIFF

    result is:

    14 days, 05 months, 04 years

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