One Dimension table, multiple foreign keys to Fact Table

  • Hello,

    My fact table contains the columns "key_1_id" and "key_2_id".

    My dimension table contains the primary key column "key_id" and the "key_name" column.

    In my cube, I want to have a dimension like this" "key_1_name_key_2_name" by joining the fact table columns "key_1_id" and "key_2_id" to the single primary key column in the dimension table "key_id" column.

    How can I get this "key_1_name_key_2_name" done?.


  • Hello gurus,

    Can someone provide some insight on this?.


  • Is it feasible from a performance standpoint to build a view that concatenates the columns together, then join the Fact table to the view? I can't think of a way to get the compound key handled other than that...

    Rick Todd

  • If this is in the construction phase, I would go back to the source and do it there, and then bring it into the cube.

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