Unable to disable publishing and distribution

  • hello room,

    I bang my head on the wall. I spend a lot of time and seaching the solution in the web sites and I did not find any good solutions yet.

    I setup a trasaction replication with PULL a remote distribution.

    --- Publishers (MS SQL Server 2000 SP3)

    --- A Remote distribution (MS SQL 2008 SP1)

    --- A Subscriber (MS SQL 2008 SP1)

    I tried to clean a partial setup of replication that failed. When , I tried to disable publishing and distribion via Wizard, I got the following message:

    "Invalid object name 'syssubscriptions'. Change database context to 'master'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error 208)."

    Can anyone please help and advise solutions?

    Thanks in advance.


  • From which server are you trying to drop the publication? Or to put it in another way, what tool are you using? SQL Server Enterprise editor or SSMS from SQL 2008?

    When you have a mixed version of SQL, do all the tasks from the highest version, in your case use SSMS and connect to SQL 2000 Publisher and try to do it. I have seen these cases before. Maybe I am wrong.


  • Roy,

    I tried from SSMS 2008 and SQL Enterrise Manager 2000.

    Both attempts are failed.

    Any suggested solutions?

    I'm very appreciated.


  • By any chance do you have a default database other than master configured for whichever login you are using to login to management studio or enterprise manager?

  • If all else fails you can remove all replication by running sp_removedbreplication which does the following:

    This stored procedure is executed at the Publisher on the publication database or at the Subscriber on the subscription database. The procedure removes all replication objects from the database in which it is executed, but it does not remove objects from other databases, such as the distribution database.

  • I have a new client that contacted me yesterday with a similar problem, but they've made the problem even worse.

    They tried replication to another database on the same server and same disk. They saw data growing through the roof (surprise) and so they shutdown sql server and physically deleted the database where the replication was going. Now the database that was being replicated has a log file that is 1 1/2 times the size of the database and is marked is sys.databases as locked for Replication. Even though there are physical backups nightly and we did a manual full backup, the system will not clear the lock on the log, nor allow us to do a log backup.

    I will be connecting with this client again after Christmas and will try sp_removedbreplication. Like the originator the system never completed the install.

    Do you know if sp_removedbreplication will also remove the lock that is now on the log file?

    Anything I can do to "forcefully" remove the lock on the log file? So that I can shrink the file.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this one is way over my head,


  • I have tried with sp_removedreplication and it did not work in my environment.

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