Repeate Table Header in SSRS 2008

  • Hi All,

    I'm having one table in SQL Reporting Services report having around 10 pages. There are 5 columns in that table.

    I'm setting tablix propertie Repeate Header Column on each page to TRUE.

    Still not getting that table headers repeated on next pages.

    This is working fine with SSRS 2005.

    Is there any way to handle this..?

    Thanks in Advanve.


  • Set the RepeatHeaderOnNewPage property of the Table to TRUE and

    RepeatOnNewPage property of the Table Row that has the headers - to TRUE.

  • I'm talking about SSRS 2008. It's not working fine in SSRS 2008.

  • I have not been able to find an option for this type of 'repeat' on each page when using the MATRIX.

    Does anyone know if the option "RepeatHeaderOnNewPage property" is available for the matrix?

  • I'm having the same problem (SSRS 2008 - RTM). I set the RepeatColumnHeaders property of the tablix to True, but it doesn't repeat the header. I set the RepeatRowHeaders property to True also and no luck.



  • I also had this problem. The solution is:

    In the grouping pane, make sure to turn on advanced mode (click on the small black down arrow on the far right of the grouping pane)

    Select the corresponding (Static) item in the row group hierarchy (typically above your row grouping)

    In the properties grid, set RepeatOnNewPage to true

    Not sure why they decided to make this so difficult. Guess it is for our job security?

  • This Problem was in Jun'08 do you this I'm still Struggling with same problem..?

  • Hi ,

    When i export report to pdf, the table header is missing in last page ( only in last page)

    any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.



  • Please see my response to the related post here:

    View Siva Gurusamy's profile on LinkedIn

    "Software changes. This is a rather obvious statement, but it is a fact that must be ever present in the minds of developers and architects. Although we tend to think of software development as chiefly an engineering exercise, the analogy breaks down very quickly. When was the last time someone asked the designers of the Empire State building to add ten new floors at the bottom, put a pool on the top, and have all of this done before Monday morning? " : Doug Purdy, Microsoft Corporation

  • Hi Shiv,

    even after adding

    "KeepWithGroup After /KeepWithGroup

    RepeatOnNewPage true /RepeatOnNewPage

    KeepTogether true /KeepTogether"

    did not solve my problem. please let me know

  • Then, please can you rebuild the RDL as outlined below in my orig post


    If a report with a table is created using the wizard feature (In Solution Explorer, right click on Reports --> Add New Report) Table Headers will repeat on every page.

    Instead if a report is created without using the wizard (In Solution Explorer, right click on Reports --> Add --> New Item) Table Headers will not repeat on every page. Setting Repeat Header (Rows/Columns) on each Page for the Tablix will not help either.


    But, before you begin to develop(rebuild) your report, please start by building a simple report with just one table and three columns to understand and possibly exploit the behaviour.

    Here is how....

    Once you create the sample report and get it to work to repeat headers, take alook at the xml and compare the TableRowHierarchy section to see what is different from your existing report where headers wont show up.

    hope this helps.

    View Siva Gurusamy's profile on LinkedIn

    "Software changes. This is a rather obvious statement, but it is a fact that must be ever present in the minds of developers and architects. Although we tend to think of software development as chiefly an engineering exercise, the analogy breaks down very quickly. When was the last time someone asked the designers of the Empire State building to add ten new floors at the bottom, put a pool on the top, and have all of this done before Monday morning? " : Doug Purdy, Microsoft Corporation

  • Hi All,

    In the other properties, you have this Repeat With Property and in that you have to choose a table name from the report and thats it... 🙂




  • Sriram, can you please say as where to look for this 'Other Properties'



    View Siva Gurusamy's profile on LinkedIn

    "Software changes. This is a rather obvious statement, but it is a fact that must be ever present in the minds of developers and architects. Although we tend to think of software development as chiefly an engineering exercise, the analogy breaks down very quickly. When was the last time someone asked the designers of the Empire State building to add ten new floors at the bottom, put a pool on the top, and have all of this done before Monday morning? " : Doug Purdy, Microsoft Corporation

  • Hi Siva,

    Select the header in the design area and then have look at the properties, at the bottom you will find other and in that you will find the repeat with property.

    Btw, this is in rs 2008.



  • I created a report using RS 2008, put a table to layout and added a group to the table, then Table Headers did not repeat on every page.

    Please help me! Thanks!

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