Display formatted field 0.00 conditionally in Reporting Services

  • I want to display a line on a Reporting Services Report based on several conditions.

    ANNDEDDSC has an alpha value =

    "Your annual deductible met to date is" but sometimes is blank

    ADDDEDUCT has a value > 0 sometimes, sometimes 0.

    I want to display a formatted zero 0.00 when ADDDEDUCT = 0

    and ANNDEDDSC has an alpha value:

    "Your annual deductible met to date is 0.00"

    I want to display a blank when ADDDEDUCT = 0 and ANNDEDDSC = blank

    " "

    I tried this but it doesn't work, any suggestions?

    =fields!ANNDEDDSC.Value & " " & iif(Fields!ANNDEDUCT.Value = 0," ",Fields!ANNDEDUCT.Value)

  • This is one expression you could use for the cell value:

    =IIF(Len(Fields!ANNDEDDSC.Value) = 0 And Fields!ANNDEDUCT.Value = 0, Nothing, Fields!ANNDEDDSC.Value & " " & Format(Fields!ANNDEDUCT.Value,"N2"))

  • Thanks for your reply. I think this is very close but it still displays 0.00 when ANNDEDDSC = spaces.

    I tried = " " but get a runtime #Error

    =IIF(Len(Fields!ANNDEDDSC.Value) = " " And Fields!ANNDEDUCT.Value = 0, Nothing, Fields!ANNDEDDSC.Value & " " & Format(Fields!ANNDEDUCT.Value,"N2"))

  • I got it to work with this:

    =IIF(Fields!ANNDEDDSC.Value = " " And Fields!ANNDEDUCT.Value = 0.00, Nothing, Fields!ANNDEDDSC.Value & " " & Format(Fields!ANNDEDUCT.Value,"N2"))

    Thanks for your help!

  • And thank you for coming back and posting what worked. This way, others with a similiar problem can see what worked.

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  • Well done. You can also make it work for both a zero-length string "" and a spaced string " " by inserting the Trim function:

    =IIF(Len(Trim(Fields!ANNDEDDSC.Value)) = 0 And Fields!ANNDEDUCT.Value = 0, Nothing, Fields!ANNDEDDSC.Value & " " & Format(Fields!ANNDEDUCT.Value,"N2"))

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