SQL Server Express Performance Issues

  • We have a SQL Server-based web application, which is in use on one server. The specs there are:

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Service Pack 2

    AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+

    2.41 GHz, 1.98 GB of RAM

    SQL Server 2005

    The sqlserver.exe process generally stays between 1.3 and 1.4 Gigs of memory usage, and performs well.

    We have installed the same application on a new server, which is utilizing SQL Server Express (SSE). The specs on that system are:

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition, Service Pack 2

    Dual-Core AMD Opteron Processor 2218 HE

    2.60 GHz, 1.66 GB of RAM

    We are aware of the memory limitations for SSE and of the downgrade in system capabilities, and were expecting some performance degradation, but not as much as we've been experiencing.

    The memory usage by sqlserver.exe on the new box does not go above 400 MB - i thought that SSE could/would use up to 1 GB? And at times, when a request appears to be severely lagging, i check out PerfMon and see that the CPU is being dominated by sqlserver.exe, perhaps suffering increased execution because of not enough memory?

    If anyone could provide a bit of insight, and/or some guidance on how to better use PerfMon to diagnose what's happening (i have Total Server Memory in my counter set but am a bit out of my league with all of the PerfMon options), and/or some strategies to improve the situation it would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks for your time.

  • Are you setting max mem in Express? It might default to a lower value on install.

    I'd be sure that this is set to 1GB

  • When i go to Server Properties and then Memory, the following are the current settings:

    Server memory options

    Use AWE to allocate memory: NOT checked

    Minimum server memory (in MB): 0

    Maximum server memory (in MB): 2147483647

    Other memory options

    Index creation memory (in KB, 0 = dynamic memory): 0

    Minimum memory per query (in KB): 1024

    "Configured values" is selected in the bottom, NOT "Running values"

    Anything look fishy here? Doesn't seem so to me..

  • Setting in memory are looking good...... the problem is some where else.... becuase on my sql server there are same settings......

    Can send the problem error in detail so that i can help you

  • Could this be down to the AUTO_CLOSE setting? This is set by default on SQL Express and will cause your database to close down when there are no users connected to it, thus causing delays when anyone tries to connect and get data.

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