Dan English's BI Blog

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PerformancePoint Filter – Save as my defaults permissions

Posted by denglishbi on February 8, 2013

It has been a while since I did some blogs, so time to get going again.  What better way to start than with a PerformancePoint one, right?  This is a post that I have been meaning to do, particularly after I responded to a post about it in the PPS M & A forums here – PerformancePoint Filter – Save as default permissions.  I had come across this particular issue at a few client sites as well.  The ‘Save as my defaults’ option for filters was a new capability that was added with SharePoint 2010 SP1 and I posted a blog on the new features added to PerformancePoint with SP1 here PerformancePoint 2010 Cascading & Apply Filters – SP1 Features.

So, for those of you not familiar with the ‘Save as my defaults’ option here is what it looks like:


And it is part of the Apply Filters settings in the ‘Save options’ towards the bottom, you can either show or hide the check box to save the filter choices.


First off, the Apply Filters button allows users to make changes to the filters without the changes immediately refreshing the content they are connected to (similar to the View Report or Apply button for Reporting Services reports).

The ‘Save as my defaults’ check box pretty much does as it says, a user can make a selection, check the box, and then click the Apply Filters button.  This when then store the parameters for this particular dashboard page so that when the user returns to this page the selections will be restored.  So even if the user makes different selections from the list, PerformancePoint will remember the values that were saved when the check box was enabled.

In the image below I make the selections ‘Accessories’ and ‘North Amer’ and check the box to save the defaults.


I then click the Apply Filters button and the dashboard items refresh and you will notice that the check box is disabled.


If I make a change to the geography filter and select Europe and click Apply Filters the dashboard items connected to the filters will refresh.


Now if I refresh the entire page (click F5) I see that my original filters that I selected and applied when using the ‘Save as my defaults’ check box are restored.


So this is pretty cool, but how does this work for a typical user that has view-only permissions to the dashboard.


Well, it doesn’t because the option to ‘Save as my defaults’ is disabled.  Hmmm… well that doesn’t help.  So what is the secret SharePoint permission that needs to be added so that this is enabled without making the user a dashboard admin?  Good question.  Well I wasn’t able to find any documentation on this and even when these new features came out there wasn’t that much documentation.  Basically after a little trial-and-error (or guessing-and-testing) I came across the additional permission that is needed.  The permission that is needed is in the Personal Permissions section and is ‘Update Personal Web Parts – Update Web Parts to display personalized information.’


Once that is added then the check box is enabled for the user and can be used.


Pretty simple. 

NOTE: one thing I noticed with this, and I would say that it is a bug in my opinion (don’t believe this has been fixed in a CU), is that if the same filters are used on other pages and changed and you come back to the original page where you used the Apply Filters and ‘Save as my defaults’ option, the values will be overridden based on the selections on the other page.  The original defaults will not be used, so seems to be a scoping thing in my opinion as to how the filter values are saved, not working as I would expect, they are saved at the filter level versus the page.  So the defaults can actually be wiped out if the same filters are used on other pages without the Apply Filters button.  If the Apply Filters button is used on all pages then it appears you are okay.

3 Responses to “PerformancePoint Filter – Save as my defaults permissions”

  1. @gonsalu said

    Thank you very much for this.

    It also applies to SharePoint 2013, by the way.

  2. kpsheridan@verizon.net said

    Thanks for the info. Quick question: You said “The permission that is needed is in the Personal Permissions section “…..of what?

    • denglishbi said

      I included the screenshot, but doesn’t include the full context. This is in the specific permissions that are assigned to a permission level in SharePoint. So if you edit or create a new permission level you will see this section listed at the very bottom where you can grant this option to the new level you define and/or modify.

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