Convert XML with nested tables / elements to regular (sql)Tables

  • Someone provided me an inventory xml (see attached file)




    thegroupname /thegroupname

    thegroupdescription /thegroupdescription



    name /name

    type /type






    thegroupname /thegroupname

    thegroupdescription /thegroupdescription



    name /name

    type /type








    another nested table




    How to import the xml tables into regular sql tables and retaining the nested characteristics (parent child) ?

    I started importing the xmlfile into an xmlcolumn of a temp table.

    create table #XmlTable (xmlCol xml)

    insert into #XmlTable (xmlCol)

    select BulkColumn

    from openrowset(bulk 'C:\temp\XML\MyServer_Review.xml', single_blob) as dt

    Declare @InventoryServerName varchar(128)

    , @TsInventory datetime

    SELECT @InventoryServerName = xmlCol.value('(/Server/ServerName)[1]', 'VARCHAR(128)')

    , @TsInventory = convert(datetime, xmlCol.value('(/Server/Date)[1]', 'VARCHAR(128)'),103) -- dd/mm/yyyy

    from #XmlTable

    Create table #LocalAccount ( [ServerName] varchar(128) not null

    , [TsInventory] datetime not null

    , [Name] varchar(128) not null Primary key

    , [Status] varchar(20) not null

    , [Description] varchar(500) null

    , [Credentials] varchar(500) null





    /* Convert to XML node format */


    SELECT @x =

    ( SELECT


    for $a in //LocalAccount

    return <LocalAccount







    FROM #XmlTable



    Insert into #LocalAccount

    Select @InventoryServerName as InventoryServerName

    , @TsInventory as TsInventory

    , T.Item.value('@Name', 'varchar(128)') as Name

    , T.Item.value('@Status' , 'varchar(20)') as [Status]

    , T.Item.value('@Description' , 'varchar(500)') as [Description]

    , T.Item.value('@Credentials', 'varchar(128)') as [Credentials]

    FROM @x.nodes('//LocalAccount') AS T(Item)

    Select *

    from #LocalAccount

    order by [Name]

    The problem is I don't know how to handle the nested elements so their relationship is still OK.


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  • The magic trick is to shred it into one big flattened table using the CROSS APPLY operator.

    For example (code snippit):


    x1.stage.value('@ID', 'uniqueidentifier'),

    x2.activity.value('@ID', 'uniqueidentifier'),

    x2.activity.value('@Ordinal', 'int'),

    x2.activity.value('@ActivityTemplateID', 'uniqueidentifier')


    @p_xml.nodes('/MyRootNode/Stages/Stage') AS x1(stage)

    CROSS APPLY x1.stage.nodes('ActivityRefs/ActivityRef') AS x2(activity)


    @p_xml (datatype xml) is the parameter to my stored procedure.

    Sometimes it help to code this as a CTE (i.e., the WITH clause) to make it a bit more managable.

    Sorry, I don't have an independent example. I think BOL also has an example of the above.

    [font="Arial Narrow"](PHB) I think we should build an SQL database. (Dilbert) What color do you want that database? (PHB) I think mauve has the most RAM.[/font]

  • Thank you for your help.

    I keep on getting lost whenever xml is being used with cross apply.

    How does it retain the correct parent/child dependency ?

    I'll try to work on this tomorrow.

    I'll keep you informed.



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  • See: Jacob Sebastian's Sales Order Workshop Part IV

    BTW, Don't use OPENXML. Use XQuery

    [font="Arial Narrow"](PHB) I think we should build an SQL database. (Dilbert) What color do you want that database? (PHB) I think mauve has the most RAM.[/font]

  • Thanks again 🙂

    It gets quit confusing (sheer volume) to find the right corner in the maze to get started. :hehe:


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  • It took me a lot of frustrations but I got it to work :w00t:

    -- ...

    If object_id('tempdb..#LocalGroupMembers') IS NULL


    Create table #LocalGroupMembers ( IdNr int identity(1,1) not null

    , [ServerName] varchar(128) not null

    , [TsInventory] datetime not null

    , [GroupName] varchar(128) not null

    , [MemberName] varchar(128) not null

    , [Type] varchar(25) not null





    truncate table #LocalGroupMembers


    Insert into #LocalGroupMembers ( [ServerName]

    , [TsInventory]

    , [GroupName]

    , [MemberName]

    , [Type] )

    SELECT @InventoryServerName as InventoryServerName

    , @TsInventory as TsInventory

    , R.xmlMember.value('../../Name[1]','varchar(128)') GroupName

    , R.xmlMember.value('./Name[1]', 'varchar(128)') MemberName

    , R.xmlMember.value('./Type[1]', 'varchar(128)') MemberType

    FROM #XmlTable T

    CROSS APPLY xmlCol.nodes('//LocalGroup/Members/Member') AS R(xmlMember)

    Select *

    from #LocalGroupMembers

    order by IdNr

    -- ...


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  • Here is another version of the code that does not use the 'parent node accessor'

    DECLARE @t TABLE (data XML)

    INSERT INTO @t(data) SELECT '




    [Description]Administrators have complete and ...[/Description]







    [Name]ARMONY/Domain Admins[/Name]






    [Name]Backup Operators[/Name]

    [Description]Backup Operators can override ...[/Description]

    [Members /]




    g.value('Name[1]','varchar(25)') GroupName

    , R.xmlMember.value('Name[1]', 'varchar(25)') MemberName

    , R.xmlMember.value('Type[1]', 'varchar(25)') MemberType

    FROM @t T

    CROSS APPLY data.nodes('//LocalGroup') AS l(g)

    CROSS APPLY g.nodes('Members/Member') AS R(xmlMember)


    GroupName MemberName MemberType

    ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------

    Administrators WS20098002/Administrator User

    Administrators ARMONY/Domain Admins Group



  • Thank you Jacob.

    I'll give it a try.



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  • I got things working a little bit :crazy:

    I have attached the sample data and the needed queries.

    The problem is the comparison query never ends ....

    This server has +/- 1400 shares ( don't ask why :hehe: ) and finding the differences has the xml querying variant running away ...

    /* XML query takes forever ! */

    Select @ServerName as ServerName

    , Coalesce(OLD.OLS.value('Name[1]', 'varchar(128)'),

    NEW.NLS.value('Name[1]', 'varchar(128)')) ShareName

    , @OLDTsInventory

    , OLD.OLS.value('Path[1]', 'varchar(500)') as [OLDPath]

    , @NEWTsInventory as NEWTsInventory

    , NEW.NLS.value('Path[1]', 'varchar(500)') as [NEWPath]

    FROM @OLDInventory.nodes('//LocalShare') AS OLD ( OLS )

    FULL OUTER JOIN @NEWInventory.nodes('//LocalShare') AS NEW ( NLS )

    on OLD.OLS.value('Name[1]', 'varchar(128)') = NEW.NLS.value('Name[1]', 'varchar(128)')

    Where not ( OLD.OLS.value('Path[1]', 'varchar(500)') = NEW.NLS.value('Path[1]', 'varchar(500)') )

    or OLD.OLS.value('Name[1]', 'varchar(128)') is null

    or NEW.NLS.value('Name[1]', 'varchar(128)') is null

    order by ShareName

    Anyone know what I'm messing up ??


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  • Never mind, I created a carthesian resultset because I didn't include all elements to be compared in the ON-clause of the join.

    Now it's working a bit better, but still doesn't match the nested table expression version.


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