Blog Post

Database Sessions at VMworld 2016



This year’s involvement in VMware‘s VMworld conference is up on the content catalog! I am extremely proud to announce my participation in the inaugural SQL Server workshop at this year’s VMworld US on August 27th. If your SQL Servers are running in a VMware environment, this course is critical to your success!

The first business critical applications and databases pre-conference workshop will cover all pertinent aspects of best practices for deployments and ongoing management of MS SQL Server running in virtualized infrastructure. This deep-dive full-day workshop will be delivered by VMware technical SQL Server specialists working in concert with world renowned external SQL Server and Virtualization experts, including me! The attendee will experience a workshop rich with technical content to include subjects such as vMotion for Failover Cluster Instances, Availability groups, SQLaaS with vRealize Automation and Site Recovery Manager. The content will be focused on best practices for design, implementation and management augmented with anecdotes of successful customer implementations.

SQL Server professionals, listen up. If your infrastructure admins are attending VMworld this year, please let them know about this course. Training them in the intricacies of the VMware platform as it relates to SQL Server, and having the training come from SQL Server professionals, is going to make your virtualization experience better.

AND – It’s not just SQL Server! A terrific Oracle on VMware session is being held on the same day as well. If you are running Oracle on VMware, I highly recommend your administrators head to this session as well!

I’m also presenting on a number of sessions during the main event!

Monster VMs (Database Virtualization) Doing IT Right – VIRT8290R – with Michael Corey

Databases by their very nature are Monster VMs. If Monster VMs are not virtualized properly, they will never perform well and can negatively impact the performance of other VMs on the hosts. In this presentation, we teach you how to properly virtualize Monster VM Databases. We will discuss why you virtualize, installation issues, how to architect for performance, the storage layer, the processor, memory considerations, and the network layer. Topics include NUMA, memory reservations, and how to avoid common mistakes. Lesson learned here help you optimize any workload you are virtualizing, with special emphasis on Monster VMs.

Performance Tuning and Monitoring for Virtualized Database Servers – VIRT7511 – with Thomas LaRock

Business-critical database platforms like Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server are among the last holdouts to enterprise virtualization, and the first to exhibit symptoms of infrastructure challenges. Is your VMware environment ready to accommodate them properly? Are your DBAs ready to virtualize them? Have you virtualized these, and now the DBAs complain about performance or lack of control? Successful virtualization of these platforms requires a different approach to virtualization than for other applications. The speakers will share their years of experience in virtualizing these data platforms so that you know how to validate your VMware environment for these systems and manage the performance properly. Scalability concerns will be addressed through discussions on scaling an individual database VM upwards and outwards as you manage the lifecycle of these database VMs. Key talking points will be presented so you can not only perfect the database virtualization from a technical level, but also from an organizational and people level by knowing how to convince the DBA that database virtualization — done right — is here to stay.

Running Business Critical Applications and the Software Defined Data Center on Hyper-Converged Infrastructure at the Speed of Flash – STO9607-SPO – with Patric Chang, Jase McCarty, Jason Pederson, and Nanjunda Somayaji

Virtualization has advanced beyond the hypervisor to include software-defined storage, hyper-converged infrastructure software (such as Virtual SAN), and workload migration across data centers and cloud services. This panel session will discuss how to take full advantages of evolving SDS and HCIS capabilities with new flash-enabled architectures, including a number of reference configurations and architectures running the most demanding business applications, OLTP databases and VDI workloads. Panel speakers will provide their real-world insights on key decision criteria to include when considering a flash-enabled HCIS or SDS technology, including performance, density, manageability, and financial considerations. Extensive opportunities for audience Q&A will be included in this session as well.

SQL Server on vSphere: A Panel with Some of the World’s Most Renowned Experts – VIRT7654 – with Denny Cherry, Niran Even-Chen, Allen Hirt, and Thomas LaRock

Learn from real-life experience about virtualizing the most demanding SQL Servers from some of world’s most renowned SQL Server experts! In this panel discussion, you also have the chance to ask your own questions about SQL Server on vSphere practices and get your answers from the SQL Server gurus.

Register for VMworld here!


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