Blog Post

SQL Server Virtualization 101 Webinar Wrapup


passToday I presented a session entitled “SQL Server Virtualization 101” for the SQL PASS Virtualization Virtual Chapter. I had a great time presenting and answering your questions! This is always a great crowd of technologists and data professionals, and your questions were exceptional. Thank you!

Session Series Details

Most DBAs experience virtualization through a telescope – from at least a mile away. Virtualization projects are pushed down from IT and DBAs are told they are being virtualized, but are given very little insight into what virtualization means to them and how they can embrace it to improve their systems. This first of a four-part educational series by David Klee (@kleegeek) is designed to help DBAs understand what virtualization really is, what it can do for them, and how they can embrace it to improve the quality of service of their business-critical systems.

SQL Server Virtualization 101 – Abstract

What is virtualization? What impact does it have on DBAs and their systems? What aspects of their job stays the same, and what changes? What is really going on inside that black box? The fundamentals of private cloud computing and how it impacts data professionals will be discussed in this interactive session. Tips on how to use the best of virtualization to improve their daily tasks and efficiencies will be demonstrated, and common questions and concerns will be addressed.

Here is the link to the GoToWebinar recording, and the slides from today’s session are located here.

Stay tuned to the next webinar in the series, SQL Server Virtualization 201, which is scheduled for the Virtualization VC for March of 2014. Thanks to everyone to attended, and I look forward to speaking with you at the next event! Additional thanks go out to the VC coordinators, Tom Norman and Scott Shaw, who so graciously allowed me to speak today.


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