Blog Post

SQLskills to present at Omaha SQL Server Users Group Tuesday


The Omaha SQL Server Users Group meeting for October is coming up this Tuesday, and the coordinators have prepared a rare treat! We are excited to have the SQL Skills team once again in Omaha to do a presentation.  Kimberly, Paul, Joe and Jonathan will all be presenting on some Tips & Tricks that they have learned over the years.  They will also be bringing some books that their team has written as raffle prizes!  Please make sure to RSVP for this event so that we can have an accurate head count for food.  Don’t wait, RSVP now and come learn from the best!
These folks are probably some of best trainers of SQL Server in the world so don’t miss out on this great opportunity!!
For further information & to RSVP, please go here:
(snipped from John Morehouse email a few days ago)


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