Blog Post

Iowa PASS Presentation Materials


Driving to the User Group

Driving to the User Group

This past Wednesday I took a drive down to the Iowa SQL Server Users Group meeting.  It was a bit of a drive but I got a chance to hang out with a fellow Digineerian on the way there and talk about solutions.

I really enjoyed the meeting.  There were probably 40 people at the meeting and I was allotted almost two whole hours to talk about DMVs.  Everyone was attentive and paid close attention, even when my laptop decided that returning queries and doing anything else wasn’t what it wanted.  It was also kind of cool to see people that I’ve previously met at the past two Iowa SQL Saturday events.

For the meeting, I was pretty much in hog heaven because with all of the time I wasn’t in the rush that I usually had while doing my Drive Your Way to the DMVs presentation.  Unfortunately, even with that much time I still didn’t get a chance to hit every demo.

If you attended or just want to take a look at the materials – you can download them here:

I’ll mention this again, I think I posted this a while back.  Is your user group or organization is within 4-5 hours of Minneapolis, MN and you need a presenter for a meeting?  If so, drop me a line at jstrate at digineer dot com.  With enough notice, I should be able to make arrangements to drive over and share this or some of my other presentations.

Related posts:

  1. Presentations Materials From Last Week
  2. August PASSMN Meeting This Week
  3. SQL Satur-What? Here Comes the East Iowa SQL Saturday


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