Blog Post

Advent of Code Day 1, Puzzle B


As I continue through the Advent of Code, albeit slowly, I’m solving each puzzle 3 days. I worked through 6 of them in Python before moving on to other languages, and this is my chance to catch up with both PowerShell and T-SQL. I likely won’t post all solutions, but I was having fun rewriting code, so here are the ways I looked at things.


Note: You should try this on your own. I logged into the AventofCode with GitHub and things worked great for me.


Go on, give it a try.


I’ll wait.


Solutions coming.




I started here, using iterations, which are very powerful in Python. In this case, I took advantage of the multiple variable assignment in Python to enumerate the array and get each value and index. I think use a comparison to determine if I add or subtract one. Finally, an IF returns the current index if I hit –1. I should probably have a break in there for efficiency as well.

def calculate_negative(directions):
start = 0
for i, c in enumerate(directions):
if c == '(':
start += 1
start -= 1
if start == -1:


This was a bit trickier for me. I wasn’t sure how to work with a string and pull out values. I did some searching and ran across the .ToCharArray function. That doesn’t feel like the best way to do this, but I decided to use it.

The rest of the function is similar and gave me the correct answer, so there you go.

$count = 0
$floor = 0
foreach ($c in $input.ToCharArray())
if ($c -eq '(') {$floor += 1}
elseif ($c -eq ')') {$floor -= 1 }
$count += 1
if ($floor -eq -1)


A more complex situation here, given that we need to work through a string, calculating a running total. I broke the input up using a tally table and a splitter with substring. This was fairly easy, and not complex as I was just getting individual charaters.

Then it was a simple running total of the CTE to get me the totals at each point in time. This worked well, but I needed the first –1 total.

Finally, I used the outer query to get the min value out of the code and use that, which gave me the lowest value where the –1 occurred.

WITH tally (n)
FROM (VALUES (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9)) a(n) -- 10
CROSS JOIN (VALUES (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9)) b(n) -- x 10 = 100
CROSS JOIN (VALUES (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9)) c(n) -- x 10 = 1000
CROSS JOIN (VALUES (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9)) d(n) -- x 10 = 10000
, direction (n, d)
SELECT tally.n
, d = CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(@input, n, 1) = '(' THEN 1 ELSE -1 end
FROM tally
), currfloor
, 'currentfloor' = SUM(d.d) OVER (ORDER BY d.n ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)
FROM direction d
SELECT MIN(currfloor.n)
FROM currfloor
WHERE currentfloor = -1

Filed under: Blog Tagged: AdventofCode, powershell, python, syndicated, T-SQL


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