Blog Post

The Writeable Warm Standby


I saw a question recently that went like this: I get one full backup from FTP. I’ll get daily log backups through FTP after this, but never another full. I need to restore this daily log backup and allow the group receiving the database to read/write the copy, and then reset it with the new log backup overnight.

First, this is untenable. At some point you’ll have some issue with transfer, lose a log, or the database will go corrupt. I can guanantee you that at some point you will need another full backup. Not every week, or even every month, but you will need one.

Second, this is a tough situation. I saw some answers, which I agreed with, but I started thinking about ways to get that data moved. My first thought it use STANDBY and move the data every day to a clean database. I’ve done this before, and in the GB range, even 100s of GB, this can work. It helps if you can whack indexes and constraints on the destination, but a copy of data table-by-table goes fast.

However then I thought about other ways. You can’t take a backup of a standby database, nor can you take a snapshot. However while searching, I saw an answer to this post on SO.

TL;DR: copy the mdf/ldf to a new database.

That was interesting, so I decided to test it. Turns out, it works pretty well. HOWEVER, it’s dangerous, and I think you should be very careful about this. I wouldn’t count on this being production stable, and certainly not data stable. You better have other copies of this data.

Here’s what I did. First, create a database with some data.

USE mydb;
CREATE TABLE mytable(id INT);
INSERT mytable SELECT 1;

Next, let’s back this up, take if offline, and then copy files.

USE master;
 TO DISK = 'mydb.bak';

Now we can copy the files to new files. There are UAC issues here, so you’ll need to add some rights to the files if you do this regularly. I left a comment in my script, but I actually did a CTRL+C,CTRL+V in the data folder, allowing the UAC permissions to work.

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Once that was done, I had new files:

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I tried to run at attach, but got a permissions error:

Msg 5120, Level 16, State 101, Line 30
Unable to open the physical file “D:\SQLServer\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\mydb_reporting.mdf”. Operating system error 5: “5(Access is denied.)”.

The solution I found was to run SSMS as an administrator. Annoying, but it works.

At least for the OS error. However, then you get this:

Msg 1824, Level 16, State 1, Line 35 Cannot attach a database that was being restored.

You can’t do this. At least not easily.

You can do this. First, delete the files you copied over, then run this:

CREATE DATABASE mydb_reporting
alter database mydb_reporting set offline;

The next step is to delete the MDF and LDF files, which will be mydb_reporting.mdf and mydb_reporting_log.ldf  by default. I could specify other names, and would if this were something I needed to script.

Once those files were deleted, I’d next copy my files again and rename them. That would result in this:

  • mydb_reporting_base.mdf –> mydb_reporting.mdf
  • mydb_reporting_base_log.mdf –> mydb_reporting_log.ldf

Now I can go back to SSMS. In SSMS, I do a simple ALTER.


Then I can run this:

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I have a copy of my database. Can I apply logs and move forward? Let’s try. First, let’s add data and make a log backup

USE mydb
INSERT mytable SELECT 99
BACKUP LOG mydb TO DISK = 'mydblog.trn'   

Next we restore again. We also set the databases offline again.

RESTORE LOG mydb_reporting_base
 FROM DISK = 'D:\SQLServer\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\mydblog.trn'
 WITH  MOVE N'mydb' TO N'D:\SQLServer\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\mydb_reporting_base.mdf'
    ,  MOVE N'mydb_log' TO N'D:\SQLServer\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\mydb_reporting_base_log.ldf'
    , STANDBY = 'D:\SQLServer\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\undo.log';
USE master
ALTER DATABASE mydb_reporting_base

Once again it’s file copy time. The UAC comes into play again as I copy and rename the _base files. However once that’s done, things work.

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This works, but I am not recommending this as something you should do, especially for critical systems. This can work, but it’s dangerous, and really not supported by MS.

Filed under: Blog Tagged: administation, Backup/Recovery, sql server, syndicated


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