Blog Post

Tales, Travels and Travails of the NYC DBA....


 So, finally, I got my Blog, that Mr. Jones was kind enough to set up.  Many thanks SJ!

My very first blog was sort of a cut-and-paste, just to put out an initial primer and intro to my company's products and services, as well as begin my foray into the world of blogging.....

If you're a long time member of the community, then you may have seen my various articles on all things SQL Server, MVP interviews, and coverage of SQL Server community events.   Feel free to browse my previously published articles here:  You may also be familiar with my core monitoring and alert product that I developed, SQLCentric -- for the DBA, written by a DBA.

Anyways, I will continue my blogging to bring you any interesting tidbits, technical info, and interviews, etc. (and of course an occasional update and plug of my products and services) that may be of interest to the greater DBA community at large.  Hopefully, you will find my thoughts somewhat intriguing, useful, or even amusing.  Feel free to comment on anything I post.

I will try to weave a web of interconnected parts between, LinkedIN, and other sources to bring you insightful information on SQL Server and everything else....

Finally, feel free to join my new group on LinkedIN: We are building our network - you can join our new DBA.Connect group on LinkedIN - where we are trying to connect DBA's & Engineers with companies who need DBA services and project expertise.

Til then, have a great weekend!

- Robert Pearl



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