Pivot data

  • I've been trying to use the PIVOT function but cannot come up with the right syntax.

    Given the following table data:

    Application User CallTime

    Excel Bob Jones 10

    Excel Tim Ralph 5

    Excel Rob Tims 7

    Word Tim Ralph 15

    Word Bob Jones 5

    What Query can I use to get this format:

    Application CallTime Bob Jones Tim Ralph Rob Tims

    Excel 22 10 5 7

    Word 20 5 15 NULL

  • The only values for User are Bob Jones , Tim Ralph , Rob Tims ?

  • No there are actually about 10 users but for the example I only included these three. The same for application would apply, in fact there are around 15 different applications.

  • Insteadof PIVOT I'd rather use the CrossTab concept as described in the related link in my signature.

    Once the static CrossTab works as required you might want to have a look at the DynamicCrossTab article (also refernced in my sig) to change it to cover a flexible number of users (if needed).

    If you need any further assistance please post what you've tried so far and where you get stuck.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

    How to get fast answers to your question[/url]
    How to post performance related questions[/url]
    Links for Tally Table [/url] , Cross Tabs [/url] and Dynamic Cross Tabs [/url], Delimited Split Function[/url]

  • This might give you an idea of how you could use a PIVOT query

    IF NOT OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#t', 'U') IS NULL DROP TABLE #t;

    SELECT 'Excel' AS Application, 'Bob Jones' AS [User], 10 AS CallTime INTO #t UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Excel', 'Tim Ralph', 5 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Excel', 'Rob Tims', 7 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Word', 'Tim Ralph', 15 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Word', 'Bob Jones', 5;

    SELECT * FROM #t;

    SELECT Application,

    COALESCE([Bob Jones], 0) + COALESCE([Tim Ralph], 0) + COALESCE([Rob Tims], 0) AS CallTime,

    [Bob Jones],

    [Tim Ralph],

    [Rob Tims]

    FROM #t

    PIVOT (MAX(CallTime) FOR [User] IN ([Bob Jones],[Tim Ralph],[Rob Tims])) AS Z;

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