sp_addlinkedserver in Stored Procedure

  • I need to create a stored procedure on my development sql server that does the following;

    1.)  Deletes all records from tblMonthlySales on my Production Server.

    2.)  Inserts records into my tblMonthlySales(Production Server) from tblMonthlySales(Development server).

    This is what I tried to do and it won't work.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [spTransMonthlySales] AS

    EXEC sp_addlinkedservers 'ITCHY', N'SQL Server'


    FROM  Itchy.BreakTheBank3.dbo.tblMonthlySales

    INSERT Itchy.BreakTheBank3.dbo.tblMonthlySales

    SELECT *

    FROM  Scratchy.BreakTheBank3.dbo.tblMonthlySales


    Any ideas!

  • "EXEC sp_addlinkedservers 'ITCHY', N'SQL Server'"

    There is no "s" in sp_addlinkedserver command.

    Or use openrowset, for example.

    SELECT a.* into Test2

    FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','tstsql01'; 'yourloginid' ; 'yourpassword' ,

       'SELECT * FROM northwind..orders') AS a


  • Hello,

    Make sure you have the rights to access the remote server or the server you are trying to linked. You also should consider creating login for the linked server.

    Query Format:

    -- Create Linked server

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver

    @server = N'Server Name',

    @srvproduct=N'SQL Server'

    -- Create Login for the linked server

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin

    @rmtsrvname=N'Server Name',


    @locallogin=N'Local User Name',

    @rmtuser=N'Remote User Name',

    @rmtpassword='Remote Password'

    Let me know if you still having problem with this.

  • I want connection database remove.

    Following detail information remove server:

    Data source=MyNgan-PC\SQLEXPRESS( Example IP :

    Northwind, password=sa; uid=sa

    Help me! How use detail sp_addlinkedserver


  • I want connection database remove.

    Following detail information remove server:

    Data source=MyNgan-PC\SQLEXPRESS( Example IP :,

    database=Northwind, password=sa; uid=sa

    Help me! How use detail sp_addlinkedserver


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