Problem while logging on sql server for the first time

  • I have Windows 7 and I have just downloaded SQL Server on my local machine and it is giving me bizarre problem. I have successfully loaded everything on it. It is set to have mixed mode login which allows me to login with both my SQL Server account and the Windows account but when i tried to first time to login with these usernames then it gave me two different errors. While trying to do it with Windows Login it gave me following error:

    "Unable to cast COM Objetct of type "System.COMObject to interface type Microsoft.Visual studio .Ole.InterOP.ISServices. I am not sure what exactly is wrong with that.

    Now, while I try to do the same thing with SQL Server account then I face the following error:

    "No process on the other end of the pipe; Error code 233"

    I am not sure whether its my machine configuration or this is the set up ot may be something wrong with SSMS it self?

  • What version of SQL Server did you install?

  • 2008 and I have not yet installed SP1 for that. Let me actually check whether installing SP1 will make any difference or not.

  • Which edition? 64 or 32 bit? Is it compatible with Windows 7?

  • I have 32 bit system.

  • Ok guys. I have installed SP1 on my system and now it does not give me the old error bu tnow it came up with some another error which says that

    "network related instance specific error occurred. Make sure you have access to the server or the server exists". Now I am not sure why does it do that because i am running it on a local machine. Why should it do that?

  • Is the service running?

    Also, how are you connecting? Are you using ".", "(local)", IP address, or the machine name when you connect? They can send you through different paths.

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