Forum Topic Twitter Feed

  • I've found the RSS feeds can be somewhat flaky, how about setting up a process that would post to twitter with a search tag dependent upon the forum and include the subject? This would just be based upon a new topic being submitted and not based upon individual posts.

    Example based upon this topic:

    Forum Topic Twitter Feed #SSCSuggest

    Other example search tags:

    • #SSC2K8Gen - SQL 2008 General
    • #SSC2K8TSQL - SQL 2008 T-SQLl
    • #SSC2K5Sec - SQL 2005 Security


    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • To enter the shortcode directly into templates using PHP, enter

    echo do_shortcode('[twitter-feed]');

    Brad Jordan [arbbot]
    Solutions Architect / myESQL
    Unity Android, Unity Wii QA
    Game Director & Wedding Hairstyles[/url] Developer

  • So I'm wondering if 300-600 tweets a day is an issue? We get that many new threads started some days.

    I was thinking more that we might kick out posts that didn't have an answer in 4 hours or posts that have had more than 10 responses.

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

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