Converting DATETIME to CHAR to DATE in View

  • I am trying to convert a DATETIME field to a DATE field in a SQL View. Using T-SQL in a query the following works:

    convert(date,convert(char(11),[field name]))

    When I type that into a view, I get a SQL Execution Error stating "Cannot call methods on date.". I need this in a view not a query.

    Anyone know of a way to get this to work in a view?

  • I tried this and it works perfect. What is the exact error you are having? See if this works.

    create view vw_temp


    select convert(date,convert(char(11),[changedate])) as Dateonly from sqlwatch.dbo.SW_ChangedObjects

    select * from vw_temp

  • When I go to the design of the view and click execute i get the following error:

    SQL Execution Error

    Executed SQL Statement: SELECT CONVERT (date, CONVERT(char(11),tdate)).ToString() as Dateonly FROM dbo.v_all_tracking_table

    Error Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider

    Error Message: Cannot call methods on date.

    However, when I create a new query:

    SELECT TOP 1000 [Dateonly]

    FROM [a_001].[dbo].[vw_temp]

    It works perfectly. Any ideas on why you can't execute the view from the Design screen?

  • try this:

    SELECT convert(varchar(10),[yourdatecolumn],121) as Dateonly FROM dbo.v_all_tracking_table

  • You can also use the CAST statement since you wanted a DATE data type...not VARCHAR with an implicit conversion

    cast(<datetime column> as date) as DateOnly

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