Trace file loading into Table

  • I am creating a trace file for all SP that execute on my server. A new file is created daily. That part works. I am trying to load them into a table using this command.

    insert INTO StoredProcedures

    SELECT EventClass,



















    FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('\\\F$\trace files\sp_trace4122009.trc', default)

    I get this error

    Msg 567, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    File '\\\F$\trace files\sp_trace4122009.trc' either does not exist or is not a recognizable trace file. Or there was an error opening the file.

    I am running sql 2008 enterprise on Windows server 2008 enterprise.

    I first thought it was a permissions error, but I have opened the folder and file up to everybody, domain user, and the user account of the sql service to full rights.

    anybody got a thought on why I am not able to load the file?

    [font="Tahoma"]John Burris:hehe:
    MCITP Database Administrator[/font]

  • The file could be corrupted. Have you tried opening it with profiler? If it opens there it is unlikely that it is corrupted.

    I did notice you are using a default share, is the user trying to access the file (in this case SQL) in the administrators group on the machine? Better question, does SQL login as a user or is it something like LocalSystem or Network Service?


  • I am using a UNC Path because the examples all used them. I have also tried f:\trace files\sp_trace4122009.trc and F$\trace files\sp_trace4122009.trc to go directly to the file. The file is on the same machine.

    I can open the file in Profiler it comes up just fine.

    My sql server service is using a domain account. I have given the file and the folder full permissions for that user. I then gave that folder open permissions for everyone and domain users to test out the permissions. I am willing to try almost anything along the permissions line that is suggested.

    I have tried using sa and setting this up in a sql job, both with the same result.

    I hope this answers you questions and please ask more if you need more info.


    [font="Tahoma"]John Burris:hehe:
    MCITP Database Administrator[/font]

  • Ok, so let me make sure I understand.

    1. Using UNC but direct references (ie: F:\dir\file.trc) also fail.

    2. Opens ok in profiler.

    3. SQL/Agent login as domain account.

    4. File and directory have wide open permissions.

    5. Tried it as a job but no good.

    What all that tells me is that it is unlikely to be a corrupted file (#2). But I'm wondering if you have tried a direct reference (F:\dir\file.trc) before or after #4. The reason I ask is that there could have been a permissions issue but was solved. Not sure, that might be barking up wrong tree. If you are using UNC I wouldn't use the default shares (C$, D$, etc.) because they are limited to what groups can access them and they can't be changed.

    I would verify the filename, use a direct reference, verify the permissions on the file, and simplify the query, such as:

    SELECT * FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('F:\trace files\sp_trace4122009.trc', 1)What I'm trying to do here is take as many variables out of the equation as possible. A file named sp_trace4122009.trc must exist at F:\trace files\ and have rights to be read either by Everyone or at least by the domain user that SQL logs in as. You are also only asking for a single file and all fields.

    You can verify what login account SQL is using by executing:

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'SET'In the output you should see USERDOMAIN= and USERNAME= they will show you conclusively what account is being used.


  • I think you are seeing everything correct.

    I have ran this statement

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'SET' and verified it is running as the user I thought it was.

    I then ran this statement

    SELECT * FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('F:\trace files\sp_trace4122009.trc', 1)

    and I got this

    Msg 567, Level 16, State 8, Line 2

    File 'F:\trace files\sp_trace4122009.trc' either does not exist or is not a recognizable trace file. Or there was an error opening the file.

    I have run all this in the past 5 minutes and still no luck.

    Has sql 2008 changed something in the way it loads trace files?

    Is there a switch in SQL that turns this ability on? I have not heard of one or came across one in my research, but that does not mean it is not out there.

    [font="Tahoma"]John Burris:hehe:
    MCITP Database Administrator[/font]

  • I'm not aware of a switch either.

    The only thing I can think of is the most obvious to check. The file does exist with that name..

    You have checked everything I would.. I'm sorry I don't have any more ideas.

    I'm sure it is something so obvious and easy that we both just can't see it..


  • OK after racking my brain for about a week I figured out the problem. I did a DIR in dos only to discover that the trace program adds .trc to the already .trc making the file sp_trace4122009.trc.trc. In windows in only showed one .trc even when you rename it. Thank you DOS for showing the truth.

    You were right it was to simple of a problem.

    Problem solved.

    [font="Tahoma"]John Burris:hehe:
    MCITP Database Administrator[/font]

  • Glad you figured it out, I was plain out of ideas..


  • I do have same issue and it says "is not a recognizable trace file", I did check with DIR on DOS prompt and it shows only .trc one time.

    Any other idea why its causing to run the query. I have tried on local domain and on server but it seems same issue.

    Any help?

  • Verify that the name not have two ".trc" extensions

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